October 13-16
October 13, 2015 Agenda: Protestant Reformation Quiz-Open Notes. Directions: You have the entire class period to complete the quiz today. Do not write on the quiz. If you can not complete the quiz during class, it is late. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Your answers must be written in the RAE format for full credit. RAE: RESTATE the question. ANSWER the question. EXPLAIN your answer.
October 14, 2015 Agenda: Bellwork, Counter Reformation Notes Bellwork: Begin a new section of notes titled “Counter Reformation”. Write down the following terms and guiding questions: Terms: Counter-Reformation, Savonarola, Bonfire of Vanities, Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, Council of Trent, Charles Borromeo, Francis of Sales, Teresa of Avila Guiding Questions: What reforms were made in the Catholic Church? What were the religious and social effects of the Counter- Reformation? What wars occurred because of the Reformation?
October 15, 2015 Agenda: Bellwork, Counter Reformation Notes, Pass out Vocabulary Builder Bellwork: insert bellwork
October16, 2015 Agenda: CNN Student News, Counter Reformation, Study Guide (if we get to it) Bellwork: CNN Student News-Write, in complete sentences, write about at least three topics covered in the news today. A short discussion will follow. Directions: Complete the study guide to the best of your ability. You may use your notes, textbook, or a neighbor to get the answers. I will stamp your work when you are completed. *I do not go over the entire study guide, but will help with specific questions.