The Reformation Continues John Calvin forms his own branch of Protestantism Believes in predestination Sets up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland Very strict and moral codes rule the city Calvinism spreads throughout Europe Takes strong hold in France Calvinist followers are known an Huguenots
New Protestant Sects Numerous Protestant sects emerged following John Calvin Presbyterianism Founded by John Knox Version of Calvinism Anabaptists Only baptized people old enough to be Christians Believed church and state should be separate Refused to go to war
The Catholic Reformation The Catholic Church aimed to regain power Established the Council of Trent 1545 Set out to revive the moral authority of the church The Inquisition A church court to try enemies of the Church Used secret testimony torture & execution Prepared the Index of forbidden books
The Catholic Reformation continued Church clergy also aimed to regain power Establishment of the Society of Jesus Known as the Jesuits Founded by Ignatius of Loyola Determined to combat heresy Tried to spread the Catholic faith
Legacy of the Reformation Religious and Social Effects Many new Protestant sects arose Catholic Church became more unified Focus on Catholic education Founding of Catholic schools Political Effects Monarchs gained power, church lost power Questioning of beliefs and authority laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment