Eurostat D2 – Regional Indicators and Geographical Information


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Presentation transcript:

Eurostat D2 – Regional Indicators and Geographical Information INSPIRE Joint Working Party Meeting National Mapping Agencies – National Statistical Offices Luxembourg, 3-4 March 2008 Daniele Rizzi – 3 March 2008 Eurostat D2 – Regional Indicators and Geographical Information

Why INSPIRE ? EU has islands of data of different standards and quality... Policy Needs Better information needed to support policies Improvement of existing information flows Differentiation across regions to be considered Revision of approach to reporting and monitoring, moving to concept of sharing of information The assessment of the situation of the many expert panels working on monitoring aspects in these various initiatives is similar: We need better information, we have to improve the existing data flows and have to become more efficient in sharing this information and data. The INSPIRE expert groups, which have been working between 2001 and 2004 preparing the proposal for an INSPIRE directive concluded that in Europe we have many isolated island of data and information. 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Sea Level trends in mm/y Why INSPIRE? Coastal Erosion Source: EUROSION Project Forest Fire Risk Source: JRC/IES Sea Level trends in mm/y In the period 1998-2002 floods comprised 43% of all disaster events in Europe 100 major floods 700 dead Half a million displaced people 25 billion Euros uninsured economic loss Along the Rhine, 10 m people live in areas liable to extreme flooding, potential damage estimated at 165 bn. Euros 101,000 kms of coastline, population doubled in last 50 years. Assets within 500 mt of coast = 500-1000 bn euros. Source: JRC/IES 3/3/2008 INSPIRE Source: Marcos & Tsimplis, as quoted in JRC/IES Source: JRC/IES

International coordination a huge challenge. International river basin districts cover more than 60% of the EU territory! International coordination a huge challenge. 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Reporting WFD: without harmonisation difficult to use ! 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Data utilization problems Natura2000 – Typical Questions In which administrative region is the site? Major roads running through the area? Variation of altitude and slope? Location of nearest villages and cities? How are the land cover and land use distributed? Where are potentially polluting nucleus’ situated? Is there an area eligible for Community funding? Only data of poor quality are available to answer those questions…. 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

But good local data already exist and might be accessible ! 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Relations with other Directives PSI addresses the re-use of public sector information by third parties Aarhus addresses the public access to environmental information INSPIRE addresses the shared use of spatial data and services between public authorities for the performance of public tasks 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

INSPIRE Directive general provisions INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. This infrastructure shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data – electronic format INSPIRE does not affect Intellectual Property Rights or statistical confidentiality Let us now have a look at the INSPIRE directive itself: First of all it’s important to consider the scope of INSPIRE which does not only affect data related to environmental policies, but actually all policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment .. agriculture, transport etc…. Of course INSPIRE is not built from scratch, many states and organizations have already infrastructures and policies in place. These will form the basis on which INSPIRE will be further developed. It’s also important to consider that INSPIRE does not the require the collection of new data. Such requirements come from other thematic policies. Some of the areas of concern regards the intellectual property rights and statistical confidentially. INSPIRE does not alter existing legislation in these areas, but ensures that notwithstanding certain limitations, IPR or confidentiality, does not prevent public authorities from conducting their public tasks related to the environment. 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

INSPIRE Scope Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes – (required to successfully build environmental information systems) INSPIRE only addresses data held by public authorities (or by a third party on behalf of a public authority) INSPIRE will only affect public authorities which are the custodian of relevant data that needs to be reported, collected or disseminated to a higher level of administration. Data collected for local purposes only falls not under INSPIRE. INSPIRE covers in its scope 34 themes of data, which, as you will recognise, are used for developing information systems for a wide variety of applications. 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

INSPIRE Spatial Data Scope Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex II Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology Harmonised spatial data specifications more stringent for Annex I and II than for Annex III 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

INSPIRE Thematic Scope Annex III Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and governmental services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution – demography Area management/restriction /regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Energy Resources Mineral resources 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

INSPIRE - Data Sharing Member States shall adopt measures for the sharing of data and services between public authorities for public tasks relating to the environment without restrictions occurring at the point of use. Public authorities may charge, license each other and Community institutions provided this does not create an obstacle to sharing. When spatial data or services are provided to Community institutions for reporting obligations under Community law relating to the environment then this will not be subject to charging. Member States shall provide the institutions and bodies of the Community with access to spatial data sets and services in accordance with harmonised conditions. Implementing Rule INSPIRE has both a data policy and a technical component. It shall not come as surprise to you that the most difficult negotiations on INSPIRE related to the data policy aspects. However, it has now become clear that data and related services will have to be shared without restrictions. This does not preclude charging or licensing … but, this should never result in ‘obstacles’ at the point of use. It is obviously up to the member states to find the most efficient solution to this. In any case, data reported under Community law relating to the environment, this means not only environmental legislation ! Will not be subject to charging. In addition, for other data, harmonized conditions for community institutions and bodies (agencies) will be part of a ‘daughter’ legislation of INSPIRE, in the form of an implementing rule. Now that we are talking about ‘implementing rules’ … next slide 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Coordination MS shall designate a contact point responsible for contacts with the Commission. This contact point will be supported by a coordination structure, taking into account the distribution of powers and responsibilities within the MS. 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

From Commission proposal to Community Directive implementation Preparatory phase (2004-2006) Co-decision procedure Start of preparation of Implementing Rules Transposition phase (2007-2009) Directive entered into force 15 May 2007 INSPIRE Committee starts its activities 26 June 2007 Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules Transposition into national legislation Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology Implementation phase (2009-2013) Implementation and monitoring of measures 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

INSPIRE – Implementing Measures INSPIRE is a Framework Directive requiring the definition of “Implementing Rules” for: Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, transform, invoke) Data and Service sharing (policy) Coordination and measures for monitoring & reporting “Implementing Rules” to be adopted according to directive “roadmap” INSPIRE has besides the data policy dimension also a more technical dimension. This to tackle technical obstacles related to accessibility, interoperability etc. INSPIRE is a framework directive, this means that 5 pieces of ‘daughter’ legislation will have to be developed and adopted by the Commission following the eventual right of scrutiny of Council and European Parliament. It will take us to far to discuss all the details and roadmap related to this procedure. However, INSPIRE is based on a bottom-up approach, developed by – and for its stakeholders. This principle is maintained and even reinforced in the current procedure for developing this daughter legislation. Drafting teams, with experts provided by the stakeholders, are working free-of-charge on these implementing rules since 2005. Stakeholder reviews and public consultations are foreseen and scheduled before this ‘daughter’ legislation will be submitted to a formal INSPIRE Committee of member states and the European Parliament and Council. Only after the successful conclusion of this process will the Commission adopt the ‘daughter’ legislation. “Implementing Rules” as a bottom-up development with stakeholders 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Work Programme 2007-2009 Implementing Rule development cycle Text of Directive Reference materials Requirements Drafting of IR Testing of draft IR Manage evolution of IRs Stakeholders (SDICs, LMOs): Reference material Experts Projects Stakeholder consultation Commission Decision Regulatory process Commission inter-service consultation 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

IR on Metadata Call for experts March 2005 Drafting Teams established in October 2005 Draft IR for Metadata published on 2nd Feb. 2007 based on requirement of Directive, review of existing material submitted by SDICS and LMOs, international standards, and drafting team knowledge. Open for comments by SDICs and LMOs over an 8 week period. 1200 comments received. DT analysed comments and made recommendations to Commission in August 2007. Commission prepared its own draft proposal based on inputs received, open for public consultation in October 2007 for 8 weeks Commission currently revises its proposal based on all input received and submits to Regulatory Committee IR to be tabled at meeting of INSPIRE Committee on 14th May 2008 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

IR on Interoperability and Harmonization of Spatial Data Sets and Services The development of INSPIRE Implementing rules for the interoperability and, where practicable, harmonization of spatial data sets and services follow a two-step approach: Development of conceptual framework and specification methodology. DS-D 2.5 Generic Conceptual Model (GCM), DS-D 2.6 Methodology for Specification Development. Development of data specifications for each data theme Based on the conceptual framework and specification methodology, and based on the INSPIRE roadmap 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Data Specifications - Approach Implementing Rules comprising data (product) specifications for 34 themes … … … Coordinate Reference Systems Geographical Grids Protected Sites Elevation Orthoimagery Geology Statistical Units Buildings Energy Resources Mineral Resources Annex II Annex III Annex I Conceptual Framework D2.3 Definition of Annex Themes & Scope D2.5 Generic Conceptual Model D2.6 Methodology for Specification Development D2.7 Guidelines for Encoding 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Data specifications: progress The Data specification Drafting Team is responsible for the developing and maintaining the conceptual framework Data specifications of the theme will be developed by the Thematic Working Groups composed from domain and GIS/IT experts Kick-off meeting of Annex I Thematic Working Groups : 14-15 Feb 2008 3/3/2008 INSPIRE 2

User requirements survey Existing material needs to be updated and complemented User requirements need to be prepared for consumption by TWGs User requirements survey has been launched Aimed at collecting structured information in line with the Data Specifications framework documents Generic Conceptual Framework Methodology Information collected on applications, legal/formal agreements underlying these applications, and input and output data requirements Identifying/developing use-cases for the data specifications process 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

User requirements survey Current status 25 replies (Belgium 6, Netherlands 6, Germany 3, France 2, Italy 2, UK 2, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Poland 1) Only very few organisations with an environmental focus Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment (IBGE-BIM) (BE) How to participate? Responses collected by 10 March will be used for developing Annex I data specifications 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Network Services General issues to address: Architecture Technical protocol Right Management Service metadata Multilingualism Discovery and View services Download services Transformation services Services to Invoke spatial data services 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Network services: progress An INSPIRE Architecture is proposed to integrate INSPIRE services, e-commerce and DRM components, INSPIRE services shall be Web Services (W3C) using the SOAP protocol to exchange messages, and WSDL language to describe the services -> reviewed by SDICs/LMOs INSPIRE Services Based on: IR Status Discovery services OGC Catalogue service, with the ISO Application Profile : OGC CS-W 2.0 ISO AP Draft IR has been reviewed by SDIC / LMO => Final draft: Spring 2008 View services Web Map Service : ISO 19128 WMS 1.3 Download services OGC Web Feature Service (ISO 19142), OGC Web Coverage Service, HTTP File download Draft IR to be reviewed by SDIC / LMO => Final draft: June 2008 Transformation services Functions of a Web Processing Service (OGC WPS): Coordinate transformation services Draft IR for a SDIC / LMO review early 2008 Schema transformation services First draft during 2008 Invoke services - Chaining services : BPEL (Business Process Execution Language form OASIS) 3/3/2008 INSPIRE 2

Data and Services Sharing IR governing access and rights of use of spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies Other objectives guidance and recommendations accompanying the IR recommendations for cross border data and service sharing 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

Data and Services Sharing : progress Work on Glossary, good practice sharing arrangements and legal issues Draft Implementing Rule with Commentary planned went to Coordination Team Nov 2007; new version under preparation Deliverable Description Milestone D 4.9a Draft IR including commentary and clarifications (internal to DT and CT) 10-2007 D 4.10 Recommendations accompanying draft IR 02-2008 D 4.9b Draft IR 05-2008 Launch of SDIC/LMO consultation on draft IR 07-2008 D 4.9c Revised draft IR 10-2008 3/3/2008 INSPIRE 2

Monitoring and Reporting: progress Mid March-mid May 2008 SDIC/LMO review Mid May-June 2008: Consolidation of feedback from review, new draft available by end June July-September 2008: the CT will finalise the IR (objective: adoption by the Committee on November 2008) 3/3/2008 INSPIRE

to know more: come to the INSPIRE Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, 23-25 June 2008 3/3/2008 INSPIRE