Powerful administrative functions. Real time alert systems (option): Statistical systems: ICT console (option): Remote access test results data and their statistic charts to support manager analyze production problems, adjust the engineering process or trace back fail components to meet the key issue, original problem solving strategy. Edit and debug test program at remote side. Automatic generate useful production administrative charts, such as components test value distribution charts, daily charts, period charts, test pins fails ranking, failure component ranking and test coverage rate analysis…etc. PRG. DEMO PRG. DEMO Alert when meets criterion of test fails.
Board View functions. Physical tested board display on screen monitor. Board view functions: Pin edit function: Show the physical outline of fail pins and their relative circuit and components to find the failure points or components easily. Support smart board view function for trouble shooting station needs. See demo program for details. Support fail components physical outline on screen to make the trouble shooting work more easier. PRG. DEMO PRG. DEMO
Test program generator. Test Program Conversion: Auto learning functions: Auto learning for items of Open/Short, Component, IC, TAJ, ECJ respectively, then generate test program and their guarding points up to 95% automatically. It can save huge test program debugging and tuning time. ATPD: Automatic Test program Debug. PRG. DEMO PRG. DEMO Direct import CAD data from FABMASTER or other ICT test program from TRI JET OKANO TESCON TCO-5….etc, and convert them to ICT360AT test program directly.
Unique test functions. TA Jet :TA Jet EC Jet :EC Jet 4 wires mini ohm measurement: Up to 0.05Ω mini ohm grade measurement. Explosion free capacitor: 100% missing part and polarity reverse detect rate. Parallel capacitors: 100% missing part and polarity reverse detect rate. BGA IC test approach to 100% coverage rate. SMD Connector test approach to 100% coverage rate. Intel 845 north bridge approach to 100% coverage rate. PRG. DEMO PRG. DEMO
Compatibility TAJ / HPJ compatibility. ECJ Fixture : Test program conversion : Import from TRI / JET / OKANO / TESTCON / TCO-5 test program or Fabmaster CAD data to generate ICT360AT test program directly. Just remove the ribbon connector cable from MUX card of HPJ system and plug it into Switch Card connector of TAJ system. Add 3rd pin on upper side of the fixture for contacted the surface of each electrolytic capacitors. PRG. DEMO PRG. DEMO
PRG DEMO Review ICT360AT evaluations(Excel)ICT360AT evaluations(Excel EXIT Powerful administrative functions. Trouble shooting auxiliary. Excellent Compatibility. Return from investment. Compare Automatic test program debug. Unique test function. P4 EVAL. EC Jet TA Jet Evaluations Quality Alert system / Statistic system / Remote console.Statistic system Board View function / Show No-Go parts on screen monitor. Test Pin edit function. Import from other Test Program or CAD data from fabmaster. Automatic test program learning. TA Jet / EC Jet / Mini ohm measurement.TA Jet EC Jet TAJ / HPJ compatibility / ECJ fixture / Test program conversion.TAJ / HPJ compatibility
ICT360AT supports 7 kinds of charts: Statistical charts. Daily chart. Period chart. Distribution chart. IC measure value distribution chart. Rank for bad pins of the bed of nails. Rank for fail components. Coverage rate analysis chart.
Statistical charts Performance. Test program tuning as well as upper/lower limits setting for each test step. Tested board quality monitoring and production problems real time tracking. Components quality monitoring and problems trace back (ISO9001). Test pins quality monitoring and probe replace indication of the Bed of Nails.
Fixture convert for TAJ and HPJ. HPJ wiring.TAJ wiring MUX Card SWC Decoder Card
Convert TAJ to HPJ: CASE 1 HPJ TAJ (HPJ fixture wiring application on ICT360AT.) No such as Intel north bridge package IC, connector plug to SWC of ICT360AT directly. I.e. 100% HP pad compatible.
Convert TAJ to HPJ: CASE 2 HPJ TAJ (HPJ fixture wiring application on ICT360AT. Board pasted with IC package such as Intel North bridge. Drilling 3 rd hole for TA pad application and pull HP pad down then replace TAJ pad up. Then i. Pin+ / Pin- connect to Decoder Card of ICT360AT. ii.Connect 3 rd pin(Sync pin) connector to Switch Card of 360AT.
Convert HPJ to TAJ: CASE3 TAJ HPJ (TAJ fixture wiring application on HPJ fixture. Replace TAJ pad to HPJ pad. Connect TAJ pad Pin+ / Pin- fixture connector of ribbon cable to MUX Card connector. Leave 3rd Pin connector open circuit.
Test Programming Preparation The preparation for fixture making 1.CAD file or Gerber file of DUT 2.BOM of DUT 3.Bare board and assembled board (For high precision or multi-layer board, CAD file is recommend) Check list for fixture making 1.The probe for ECJ test should be Spherical type with long stroke and low spring force, the location of the probe should be precise. 2.The pitch of probe tube and the connection of the array-pin for TAJ test should be correct and can easily convert to HPJ test. Test programming preparation 1.DUT: 1 bare board, 20 assembled boards. 2.Pins diagram of fixture 3.BOM of DUT 4.DUT circuit diagram(Option) 5.The files at right should be provided by fixture maker. *. DAT *.ICN *.ICP FORMAT.ASC NAILS.ASC NETS.ASC PARTS.ASC PINS.ASC
EC Jet On board electrolytic capacitor polarity and missing parts inspection. ECPD Technology ( E lectrolytic C apacitor P olarity D iscriminating T echnology.)
The challenges on production line. Traditional ICT test systems. 1.Very low Electrolytic Capacitor polarity discriminating rate(30%-50%). 2.Unable to find out the capacitor miss part during the test. Missing Parts. Wrong Orientation.
Challenge on production line. Inspecting by human eyes not only waste of time and money but also un- reliable as well.
Traditional ICT Electrolytic Capacitor discriminate method. 2 Terminals Leakage Current detect Method. 3 Terminals impedance detect method. HP TestJet Induce method. HP TestJet Induce method. + M ~ Z-Z- Z+Z+ + I+I+ + I-I- +
Characteristics of EC Jet. For EC Polarity Discriminating Rate = 100%. Explosion free EC Polarity Discriminating rate = 100%. Ultra High Speed, on board 50 Capacitors Test time < 2 sec. Parallel EC missing part detective ability.
EC Jet know how. ~ Signal sourceResponse Signal BLACK BOX Un-know network analysis model. ~ M T(time) V source T(time) V Response
FFTDFT Principle of EC Jet technology. DSP Pattern Match ~ M F(freq.) V V DUT STD Digital Signal Processing. T(time) V Source T(time) V Response
Principle of EC Jet capacitor miss detection. DSP Pattern Match ~ M F(freq.) V STD DUT F(freq.) V
Why parallel capacitors missing parts can not be found? Tolerance of electrolytic capacitance = -20% ~ +50% Vcc C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C4C4 CnCn ?? ?
Test limitations of EC Jet. Temperature. Parallel Capacitor Explosion free capacitor DUT with normal temperature between 0° ~ 55°C, failure rate = 0, 100% able to test. DUT with temp > 80°C, failure rate : about 20% DUT with temp >60°C, failure rate : less than 5% Huge value of capacitor affect the testing time (15-20ms /PCS), due to sampling time is a little longer. Explosion free capacitor needs long testing time. Due to the polarity characteristics of explosion free capacitor is not so clear as normal capacitor. Testing time as long as 200 ms/ pcs.
Benefits of EC Jet. Use old ICT: JET300 TR518. Use EC Jet. Instead of human Eyes Inspection. Getting higher quality. Use EC TestJet Save 2 ~ 3 Operators. Less Effort. Higher Quality.
TA Jet Apply the theory of electrostatic strength measurement to detect the solder joints open / contacted BGA pins up to 100%.
Whats the difference between TA Jet & HP TestJet? TA JetHP TestJet Theory Electrostatic measurement. Capacitor coupling. Signal Processing. Through SW CARDThrough MUX CARD. No. of Test Terminals. 32 Sensing signal ratio of contacted/open. 20~30 times High.10~15times Low. Test Frequency. 2K~10K automatic adjustable. Only one frequency at 10KHz. CostUSD3,000-USD10,000- MUX Card cost. NoUSD100/ board. Sensor pad price.USD35/set USD35-85/set.
Know how(I) MUX CARD M (Current Pre. AMP.) SWITCH CARD M (Synchronous Detector AMP.) HP TestJet TA Jet
Know how(II) HP TestJet TA Jet ε Electrostatic strength. (V/m) Measuring the capacitance between bonding line and HP sensor pad. (fF)
Solder joints Contacted / Open sense level. TA Jet testing ability is over 20 times of HP Test Jet.
SMD coverage rate. FQFP, SOJ, SOP, PLCC HP TestJet test results : good. TA Jet test results : excellent.
BGA coverage rate. HP TestJet TA Jet A A ε ε Coverage rate up to 100%. Unstable to test under 100fF level. Normal IC BGA
Intel 845(North Bridge) coverage rate. HP TestJet about 10% level. A d d
ε TA Jet coverage rate up to 100%. r SWITCH CARD M DSP Intel 845(North Bridge) Coverage Rate.
Intel 845(North Bridge) coverage rate. TA Jet SWITCH CARD M DSP V F Contacted BGA 845 Noise OK open SMD fs
SCSI / PCI SMD Connector. HP TestJet TA Jet
Benefits of TA Jet Up to 100% BGA pins of solder joints Contacted/ Open inspection. Up to 100% Intel 845 BGA pins of solder joints Contacted/Open inspection. Up to 100% SCSI / PCI SMD connector solder joints Contacted/Open inspection. Make sure where the true BGA failures are.
Parallel pins. If circuit impedance small than 10ohms, the stimulus signal can not apply to almost a short circuit. Logically BGA parallel pins are same circuit, we can not discriminate if one of them is open circuit. Circuit impedance. BGA relative components. If the BGA relative component in O/S, missing part, wrong part fail, it may affect the test value of BGA. Limitations of BGA Open/contacted test.