A Student-produced ELP for the Medical Field Ioana Ursache Univ. of Medicine and Pharmacy, EuroEd Foundation, Iasi
Some coordinates… Univ. of Medicine and Pharmacy - Iasi, Faculty of Medicine 1 st year students –Compulsory English class 2 nd year students –Optional English class
Are these students interested in the ELP? YES, because They see themselves in international professional situations in the future They want to know their level of English according to European standards They want to develop their self-evaluation skills
So, 1 st year students… Learn about the European Language Policy Find out about the ELP (CEFR) and Europass CV Develop self-evaluation skills Self-assess their level of English Fill in and compile their personal ELPs Simulate applications for scholarships abroad
What do they think about the ELP? Good to have common standards Easy to use Useful BUT Easy to be wrong or deceive Classroom activities on self-evaluation skills Samples needed Classroom activities with samples from Cambridge exams Not applicable to more specialized fields ??? =>
Then… (follow up in the 2 nd year) Analyze descriptors more closely Review medical language acts and products (+types of contexts and audiences) Develop definition and description skills Rewrite the Self-assessment Grid for the medical field
In the end, they… …not only… know their level of English are better at self-evaluation …but also… have a deeper understanding of language competence the medical profession develop their thinking and writing skills recycle their medical vocabulary improve other skills like teamwork, creativity etc. develop a feeling of ownership and empowerment
So, how is this Medical ELP of theirs? Global Scales : Sets of 15 descriptions for each competence and group of levels (A1-2, B1-2, C1-2) or Self-Evaluation Grids : Sets of 30 descriptions for each competence and level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)
The MEDICAL Language Passport
The Self-assessment Grid (Listening) I can understand familiar words, basic information on medical field (body parts, some important, general disease) when people speak clearly in short phrases. I can understand the main point when its spoken in medical words of highest frequency. I can understand a congress, a video conference, a medical debate, all dealing with medical inovations. After that I can use the new informations in my own research. This is how I can obtain very good results in my own research, which is a higher standard and a better quality of the medical act.
The Self-assessment Grid (Reading) I can understand medical terms and read short articles and medical prospectus. I can find information about different diseases. I can interpret a report, having few ideas about the patients disease. I can read short publications about familiar medical subjects. I can understand: a text containing usual medical terms (common diseases, symptomology) necessary in giving a correct diagnostic, a specialised medical book with help from dictionary or someone else who can explain the unknown medical terms.
The Self-assessment Grid (Sp. Prod.) I am able to describe or to use some simple sentences in order to talk to the patient and explain the symptoms. I can tell what medicine they should take. The quality is acceptable, with some mistakes. I can present clear smoothly flowing description or argument of a disease in a style close to the pacients level of undestanding. I can use an effective logical structure wich helps the pacient (or his family) to notice and remember significant points about the particulary evolution of the disease.
The Self-assessment Grid (Sp. Int.) I can answer your question, because you asked me using simple words, well-known phrases… Only if we use simple words in our conversation, I can put the proper diagnosis!!! I can easily understand and explain to a patient the causes and medication for his/her disease without enlarging the subject. I am able to interact with the medical staff and I can sustain a conversation on a familiar medical subject in most of the situations.
The Self-assessment Grid (Writing) I can write : prescriptions, referrals (for example for a patient that has to be consulted by a specialist). I can fill in: medical certificates, hospital forms (for example the name, adress, blood pressure, weight, height). I can write detailed activity reparts for the National Ensurance Company. I can write scientifical articles for medical magazines. I can correctly describe the cases I met in my activity to other collegues asking for their advice.
Conclusions… The general ELP is not enough It needs samples Vocational ELPs are necessary Getting students engaged with tools like the ELP is rewarding Adopt a bottom-up approach in designing vocational ELPs Involve students and professionals
My contact info: Ioana Ursache This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.