Harlem Renaissance Bellwork


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Presentation transcript:

Harlem Renaissance Bellwork Of the three examples of art we looked at yesterday which did you enjoy the most. Why? Answers Vary

Objective WWBAT: Introduce the Black Nationalism and the development of the New Negro movement

Black Nationalism Black nationalism was the belief that black people around the world could/should create their own societies, separate and distinct from white societies Marcus Garvey is credited with the rise of Black Nationalism in America He believed economic success was the quickest and most effective way to independence "Until you produce what the white man has produced," he claimed, "you will not be his equal."

Black Nationalism Developed largely in response to economic and political inequalities faced by many Black Americans and the belief that the established system would not provide the opportunities Most extreme forms=favored creating INDEPENDENT STATES, using methods of revolution More moderate forms=favored developing institutions and organizations that provided social and economic support

Black Nationalism Black Nationalism generally favors Self-Determination The power of an oppressed and exploited people to independently develop its cultural, political, and economic system free from foreign domination and outside influence. 

Black Nationalism Supported idea of creating, owning, and supporting Black businesses Often kept money within the Community as a way to pass this wealth along

Black Nationalism Seeks to maintain and promote their separate identity as a people of black ancestry Seeks to create and develop a sense of pride in being Black Often shown through art, clothing, speech, and literature, often with a focus on African history

Black Nationalism Examples of Black Nationalism: Return to Africa Movement Black owned and oriented businesses African or Black Studies programs at university Black Panther Movement Black oriented movies or television

Black Nationalism Bellwork What are two of the ways to display Black Nationalism discussed in class? Speech, clothing/style of dress, art, literature What is moderate Black Nationalism? institutions and organizations that provided social and economic support

Objective WWBAT: Work on the Harlem Renaissance and Black Nationalism examples

CLOSURE Based on what we have learned about today complete the following: Create a definition for Black Identity Create a definition for Black Nationalism