Lobus anterior - spinocerebellum - paleocerebellum Lobus posterior - pontocerebellum - neocerebellum Lobus floculonodularis - vestibulocerebellum - archicerebellum
Cerebellar nuclei ncl. dentatus, ncl. emboliformis, ncl. globosus, ncl. fastigii glutamatergic, high spontaneous activity
Main afferents of crbl
olivo-cerebellar projection Climbing fibers olivo-cerebellar projection
Stratum moleculare – inhibitory interneurons – stellate and baskete cells, a lot of cells, many connections Stratum gangliosum – inhibiting neurons – Purkinje (Purkyně) cells, rich dendritic arborization to molecular layer, axons to cerebellar nuclei (GABA) Stratum granulare - granular and Golgi cells, cerebellar glomeruls
From inferior olive nucleus to Purkinje cells Mechová vlákna Mossy fibers granular cells- paralell fibers – to Purkinje cells Šplhavá vlákna – Climbing fibers From inferior olive nucleus to Purkinje cells Cerebellar glomeruls mossy fibers, granular cells, axons of Golgi cells, glial capsule
Main cerebellar efferents