End of Year Assessments Enrique S. Camarena Elementary Parent Meeting April 21, 2016
Thank you for joining us! WElcome Thank you for joining us!
Hanover Survey
End of Year Assessments ~ 2015-2016 DRDP Social Skills Motor Skills Academic Progress TK Local Measures Reading (Sight words and Reading Accuracy and Comprehension) Writing Math Kindergarten Reading (Decoding, Fluency, and Comprehension) First Grade Achieve 3000 Second Grade
End of Year Assessments ~ 2015-2016 CAASPP SBAC Achieve 3000 Third Grade Fourth Grade CST Science Fifth Grade Sixth Grade
Testing at Camarena Kindergarten April 25 – May 20 First Grade Second Grade Third Grade April 25 – April 29 Fourth Grade May 2 – May 6 Fifth Grade CST Science – May 3 May 9 – May 13 Sixth Grade May 17 – May 23 Make Up Testing May 23 – June 3
Letter for Home
Helping Ensure your Child’s succesS
What Can I Do To Help My Child? Take the Smarter Balanced Practice Test Together Read Together Reading, Language Arts: Talk to your child Ask complex questions Have your child explain their thinking Have your child practice writing stories, their opinions, and information Mathematics: Ensure that your child can: Subtract, Add, Multiply, Divide (according to their grade level) Talk to your child about how you use Math in daily situations
Practice Tests 1) www.caaspp.org 2) 3) 4)
Encourage a Growth Mindset Praise your child: for their effort in school (even when they fail). when they take on and persist through challenges. when they learn from criticism. Encourage your child: to see that intelligence is grown with hard work. to be more focused on the process of learning than the result of the final grade. When students believe that they can get smarter through their hard work, they will improve faster and experience greater success than students who do not believe this.
What Results Should WE Expect
Sample Student Report Third Grade Language Arts
Sample Student Report Sixth Grade Mathematics