Strategic Planning at Cal Poly Pomona Analysis of Web Survey Data
Primary Affiliation of Survey Respondents Count Percentage Faculty 112 15.45% Staff 116 16.00% Current Student 187 25.79% Prospective Student 7 0.97% Alumnus/Alumna 197 27.17% Parent 91 12.55% Community Member 3 0.41% Employer 2 0.28% Other 10 1.38% Total 725 100.00%
Does the Cal Poly Pomona mission statement resonate with you?
Mission statement does not resonate. Why not?
Mission statement resonates. Why?
What would you change about the mission statement?
Core Value: Polytechnic Identity 5 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona perfectly. 1 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona poorly.
Core Value: Academic Quality 5 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona perfectly. 1 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona poorly.
Core Value: Learn By Doing 5 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona perfectly. 1 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona poorly.
Core Value: Teacher-Scholars 5 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona perfectly. 1 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona poorly.
Core Value: Environmental Sustainability 5 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona perfectly. 1 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona poorly.
Core Value: Celebration of Diversity 5 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona perfectly. 1 = In 5 years, this core value will represent Cal Poly Pomona poorly.
Additional values not reflected in current core values
Top 3 strengths important for future of Cal Poly Pomona
What aspect/feature of Cal Poly Pomona inspires you the most?
Media headline about Cal Poly Pomona (in five years)