FY19 Budget Greenfield Public Schools Ways & Means Presentation APRIL 25, 2018 Standard I: Instructional Leadership Standard II: Management & Operations Standard IV: Professional Culture
Student Enrollment Current Enrollment (17-18): 1745 Projected Enrollment (18-19): 1835 Increase: 90 students, including ELL students Academy of Early Learning (pre-K)- 121 students Elementary Schools (K-4) Federal Street School – 253 students Four Corners School – 252 students Newton School - 241 students Greenfield Middle School Greenfield Middle School (Gr 5-7) – 286 students Math & Science Academy (Gr 4-7)- 97 students Greenfield High School (Gr 8 -12) – 462 students
Foundation Enrollment FY19 (includes vocational and out of district students)
FY19 Budget Aligned to Strategic Plan
Summary of FY19 Operating Cost Increases
Superintendents Budget Request 0.59% decrease from FY18 to FY19
Superintendent budget decreases compared to FY18 by $112,093 (0.59%) SC increases Superintendent budget by $120,500 (0.64%) Mayor’s budget -$828,956 (-4.36%)
Per Pupil Spending
FY19 Local Aid Estimates Updated Cherry Sheet Revenue (as of April 18, 2018) State Aid & Choice-In Revenue Chapter 70 $ 12,236,677.00 Circuit Breaker $ 600,000.00 (estimated) Charter Tuition $ 156,583.00 School Choice $ 576,589.00 TOTAL $ 13,569,849
FY19 Budget Needs Compared to FY18 2 SPED Teachers $ 102,249 Classroom Teacher (FSS) $ 49,366 Behaviorist (District) $ 51,093 ELL Teacher $ 49,366 .5 Psychologist $ 18,434 1 SPED Instructional Assistant $ 16,000 Assistant SPED Director (.3 FTE) $ 18,000
Budget Process Priorities: FY2019 Staff classrooms for increased student enrollment Support mental and behavioral health, including more school psychologists and behavioral support Meet state and federal mandates for pupil services Increase English Language Learner support due to increased need and CPR State Audit Report Strengthen cost-effective programs in-district, instead of costly out-of-district placements
Appropriate Use of Reserves GPS strives to create a balanced budget that addresses the current needs of students while positioning our district for long- term financial stability. The FY19 Budget takes into account the School Committee’s Revolving Funds Policy (DBE) Best practice calls on most accounts for 1 year’s receipts being “carried forward” each fiscal year, creating financial stability and preventing mid-year layoffs.
Choice In Fy18: 100% of “Choice In” seats filled Average of ~100 students/ year accepted in Choice-In seats. Maximum Choice In seat capacity set by School Committee each year. $576,589 School Choice Receipts
Impacts of Proposed Budget Cut $828,956 in proposed cuts to the School Committee budget Big picture? Teachers across all grades from a growing district Loss of resources for a growing Special Education department Less resources for student needs (social, emotional, mental) Lack of teachers in areas of critical state/federal mandates Increased class sizes Fewer maintenance staff
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