Extra Course Over View Extra Course is a career guidance initiative by Sciens Technologies, through which we aim to help transform a technical individual into skilled professional. Our workshop model is designed with utmost care to overcome every hurdle that comes in the way to a successful career. We assign a Industry Expert as your Mentor and Guide. Learn live from Experts.
SAP History Why SAP has importance among different ERP’s/ R/3 Structure/ ASAP Methodology/ Types of Projects/ Landscape/ Functional Areas like (SD, MM, FICO). SAP is especially well-known for its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and data management programs. SAP is an acronym for Systems, Applications and Products. Service-oriented architecture has been incorporated into the SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system and other products defined within the SAP Enterprise Services Architecture (Enterprise SOA).
SAP ABAP Fundamentals Local/Package (TR). Data Types. Structure / Internal tables / Clears / Refresh / Free/ Append Structures / Loops./ Do's Parameters/ Select-Options / /Ranges/ Version Management/ Change history log. Control break statements/Events DB operations like SELECT READ INSERT APPEND DELETE. Joins and for all entries. Selection screens with Check boxes and Radio Buttons. Modularization Techniques. Selection Screen validations/ Messages. Types of Function Modules. Report Events. ABAP memory and SAP memory. File operations. (Presentation server and Application server). Parallel Cursors.
SAP ABAP Concepts & Duration TOPICS Reports(Classical, Interactive and ALV) Oops (All Core topics) DDIC LSMW (Recording) BDC (Session, Call Transaction and table control) Enhancements(User /Customer /Screen Exists, Badi’s, Enh.Framework) Scripts Smart forms Adobe Module Pool BAPI RFC ALE/Idoc’s DURATION(IN DAYS) 6 4 1 3 5 7
NOTE: During topics explanation, Daily assessments and candidates will be given real time scenarios and get the objects done. Object life cycle explanation. Documents preparation like TS/TSD, UT document, CRC document, Signoff reviews etc. Information on Ticketing tools which are being used in real projects. Resume preparation.
Highlights of Our Training Technical and general (including communication, confidence, body language) Pre skill Evaluation Customized course content depending on the student's vision and need. Real time project development implementation guidance Real time maintenance/support project guidance Exposure of Corporate working Style Submitting Client deliverables Job preparation assistance Orientation on corporate etiquette Ticketing Tool Handling Placement assistance (Resume preparation, soft skill assessment and mock interviews) Extended Technical assistance even after completion of the course as applicable
What we Provide? Bridge the gap between you and your career. Enable you to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Ensure proper approach to develop vision and mission. Ensure development of effective interview skills Try to provide experience of the on field job requirements. Mock interviews and group discussions Make you aware of the job requirements and what the employers have in mind before recruiting any employee.
How we Provide? Flexi class timings, which will not alter any of your college or leisure timings. Customized syllabus and real time project to match the needs of each student which is required for his job specification and job profile. Dedicate mentor allotted to each individual needs of the candidate.
Scienthesize Workshop- Purpose Motto: As manufacturing labs synthesize and carves all the available raw materials to perfect product, Sciens combines many different skills of a person and imbibe its expertise and experience in a unique model and finally fabricates confident industry standard IT Professional. Target: Transforming a technical individual to a skilled professional who meets the all round demand and requirements of Information Technology.
Scienthesize Workshop- Strategy Belief: Mentorship is productive than classroom training. Association: Any student can go through the skill set and profile of professional with industry experience, discuss with him/her and can associate with his/her mentor on mutual understanding. One Mentor associate with maximum of “Three” members at a time. Medium: Sciens office Skype/Virtual classroom Mentor and Student location of comfort
Scienthesize Workshop- Strategy Implementation: Technical and general (includes communication, confidence, body language) pre skill evaluation is done through technical discussions, tests or problem solving tasks. Mentor can include customized content depending on his vision and student’s need. Expectation of course completion is set in prior. Commonality: Sciens unique workshop model is derived from the same blue print for all technologies and students. Feedback on progress is given at regular intervals.
Scienthesize Workshop- Course Template Real Time Orientation: Methodologies followed Architecture styles Division of modules for a sample project Details on implementation life cycles Documents used for work delegation Exchange of information between different layers of hierarchy from client to developer. Communication flow and protocols followed hierarchies Tools used Repository systems Deployment strategies and different environments of deployment Applying real time implementation
Scienthesize Workshop- Course Template Interview Orientation: Resume preparation Communication skills assessment Various interview scenarios and corresponding tips to track the interview Mock Interview & Feed back Retrospect: Evaluation of amount of synthesize is done for transformation to IT professional through “Scienthesize” Workshop and re designing the course by incorporating areas of improvement.
Contact Us Corporate Address: Sciens Technologies #24, 302, Image Gardens Road,Lane beside LOT mobiles store, Madhapur, Hyderabad. Contact details: Phone:040-65223345 +91 9703339656/ 9248487979 / 7674929003 info@extracourse.com
Extra Course Thank You!!!