Elementary and Special Schools Library Media Specialists Welcome! Elementary and Special Schools Library Media Specialists BCPS New Teacher Orientation New Librarians – Elementary Breakout Laura Donhauser-Wymer, LMS – Relay Elementary 8/12/2015
Procedures How will classes enter the library? Line up outside? How will return/check-in books? PBIS/School discipline procedures: Have teachers bring Spotlight chart, etc. Use reward “bucks” or other incentives Bathroom use procedure Supplies – should be easily accessible to students to use as they need them (not put away)
Check In Procedures Students check books in as they enter the library OR Homeroom Bins collected/delivered at the beginning of the school day
Patron Barcodes BCPSOne cards are also students’ library cards; find out if all students will be using One Cards. If so, remind teachers to have students bring their One Cards to library for book check out. If not, you can print Patron Barcodes from Destiny; we will demo in the afternoon Destiny training session today.
Patron Barcodes Management Sample Student LIB15 BCPS Username BCPS Password Create Student Cards & Batch by Class Binder of Barcodes Create Student Shelf Markers/Batch by Class Add student Username/Password labels Library Stick Video
Integrated Circulation 50 minutes of instruction Consider doing circulation every other week for intermediate grades, and increasing the number of books they are able to check out. Making circulation a "seamless" part of the period, for instance by directing small groups/individual students to browse/check out books during the independent practice portion of the lesson. Make the computer /scanner accessible for student self-checkout. Introduce circulation procedures at the beginning of the school year to promote student independence.
Student Self-Circulation Login for Student Self-Circulation: Do NOT login with your own BCPS credentials We use a Classroom Circulation patron login that permits students to do Check Out ONLY Classroom Circulation login is: Username: circ#### (4-digit school number) Password: circ Consider having more than one Student Checkout station, if an extra computer/scanner is available. Information for ordering a second scanner (~ $140)
Your 4-Digit School Numbers Chapel Hill 1107 Church Lane 0207 Cromwell Valley Dogwood 0112 Edmondson Heights 0104 Essex 1508 Harford Hills 0915 Lyons Mill 0410 Pleasant Plains 0909 Powhatan 0210 Seven Oaks 1110 Stoneleigh 0905 West Towson 0925 Franklin High 0472
Tips for Circulation Independent check out using Destiny and library cards Cindy Sexton- Villa Cresta Elementary Call by table during independent work Whole group checkout- play a couple of songs while browsing, the last song should be slow to signal time to wrap up browsing Sandy Bixby- Edgemere Elementary
Tips for Circulation Student in grades 1-5 all scan their own barcode and books and I have the computer volume up high. I have taught them that the "ERRRR" buzz sound means freeze until the adult comes to the computer. To help them with finding things, I have Destiny up and I have labels on each shelf and small posters/items as visual clues where certain categories of books are located. - Sandy Bixby- Edgemere Elementary
Tips for Circulation My students are currently making the transition to typing in their userID for checkout instead of using cards or scanning barcodes. Anne Groth- Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet The older grades are often working on projects in groups and as a general rule they know to "give themselves a 10 minute break" to complete their check-out and then return to what they are working on. Kathleen Wellen- Elmwood Elementary
Tips for Circulation If the students are unable to locate materials in the time allotted to them during class, they know that they are always welcome during arrival and dismissal any day to exchange materials. This helps those who are leisurely browsers, as well as keeps popular Black-Eyed Susan books moving quickly. Susan Ciaccio- Orems Elementary My fifth graders who may not need weekly checkout are aware that they can get up and check out during independent practice any week. This allows students who are not getting books to continue working and not have too much "down time". If they forgot their books, they are welcome to find a book to put on hold. Colleen Adam- Westchester Elementary
Destiny Signal Tones Keep computer volume turned up LOUD at Circ station/Student Self Check-out Stations so that you can hear signal tones. Tone for successful check in/out – a “beep” Tone for Transaction Blocked pop-up window (due to Renewal limit reached, Overdue/Fines) – a “bonk” We will demonstrate these in Destiny training after lunch!
Renewals If a student scans the barcode of a book they already have checked out, a Transaction Blocked screen may say Renewal limit reached. They can still renew if they click Yes. Try to limit renewals to one - especially popular or Black-Eyed Susan books.
Overdues/Fines If a student scans the barcode of a new book and they currently have overdue book(s) or owe fines for Lost book(s), a Transaction Blocked screen will pop up. District policy: We do not deny children access to library books. Click Yes to over-ride the block. Provide reminders, overdue/fine notice, call home, etc.
Reshelving Library Helpers- Intermediate Students Parent Volunteers “Adopt a Shelf” program- students maintain a shelf in the library to ensure organization
Student Usernames/Passwords Student Log-ins: Simple logins for grades Pre-K thru 4th Example: ADC007 cat123 Collaborate with Tech Liaison to print out student Username/Password labels for OneCards, Library Cards, etc.
Book Care/Weeding Taking care of books- K & 1st Grade Lessons in curriculum, need to address with 2nd-5th Damaged books- Book Hospital location/sign, contact parent, assess fine, “First Aid Kit” Lost books/Fines- Contact parent, assess fine, check with principal or guidance counselor Weeding – Keep a box under your Circ desk for old/damaged books to be weeded; we will cover weeding in more detail at a future session.