Oregon Country 1819 – 1846 Read Current Issues update Page 188
Write down Keys to Understanding Page 189 Adams-Onês Treaty 49th Parallel Great Migration Joint Occupation Oregon Country Provisional Government of Oregon San Juan Islands Treaty of Oregon Then read overview
Who was fighting over Oregon Country?
Not Involved…
Review Worksheet Review your worksheet
Oregon country What did you have written? Region that extended from Southern Alaska to 42nd parallel Pacific Ocean on the west Continental Divide on the east See page 194 for a picture Who owns it today?
International Competition Overview 4 Countries possessed legitimate claims to Oregon Country Who were they? Russia Spain U.S. Britain Why did Spain have the exclusive right to the area originally? Eventually Spain and Russia drop their claims Britain and the U.S. eventually peacefully divide the area
Spanish Claims First to explore here Had weak territorial claims What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? Had weak territorial claims Had not done much land exploring Only sailed by and barely mapped it What was the Nootka Sound Controversy? Read pages 190 – 192 Spain is weakened further…
First American Claims Robert Grays (1792) Discovered and claimed Grays Harbor and the mouth of the Columbia Lewis and Clark were the first to explore the interior (1804-1806) Pacific Fur Company created first permanent settlement (1811 – 1813)
Strengthening British Claims The British Fur Companies (NW and Hudson’s Bay) were exploring present day Canada Meanwhile, disputes arose around the Rocky Mountains with the U.S. What was the impact of the War of 1812 on the PNW? Read page 193 if no one answers…
The Treaty of Ghent What did you have written? Concluded the war with no real winner All possessions taken by the war had to be returned Including Fort Astoria Established border between Canada and the U.S. that we have today
Assignment Finish Reading Chapter Read pages 193 – 198 Quiz on Reading Monday Assignment if they do not read quietly: Understanding Concepts Page 199 Questions: 2, 3, 5, 6,7, 8, and 9.
QUIZ!!!!! The Convention of 1818 stated that Oregon Country was to be occupied by the __________ and _______ for ten years. In 1819 the U.S. and Spain signed the _______________ Treaty In 1823 a U.S. president declared ______________ which stated that no country could claim land or expand its territorial claims in the Western Hemisphere, except those countries already there. ___________ sold Alaska to the United States The idea of actively supporting the territorial expansion to the Pacific Ocean was known as _______ __________ The _______ __ _______ gave the United States control over the Columbia River and the whole Puget Sound region.
QUIZ!!!!! E.C. Who ended up getting the San Juan islands? What was the event called that led to this decision?
The Convention of 1818 49th parallel would be the international boundary from the Great Lakes to the Continental Divide The Convention of 1818 stated: The U.S. and Britain would jointly occupy Oregon Country For 10 years Both countries encouraged their citizens to work here
Adams-Ones Treaty Signed between Spain and the U.S. Spain officially withdrew legal claim to the lands north of the 42nd parallel See map on page 194
Russian Claims Why were the Russians interested in Oregon Country? Baron Rezanov threatened to establish a colony on the Columbia River Never came to be A Russian diplomat claimed all lands from the 51st parallel north Reaction by the U.S.? What was the Monroe Doctrine? Why was it necessary to pass?
The Monroe Doctrine Spain had left and many countries were ready to swoop in President Monroe said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stated: No country can claim land or expand its territorial claims in the Western Hemisphere, except those countries already there Eventually Russia backs down Why? Russia sells Alaska to the U.S. 2 cents per acre Russia leaves all together
Joint Occupation Britain and the U.S. wanted different boundaries 49th parallel vs. the Columbia River Both had legitimate claims (see page 196) Dr. John McLoughlin encouraged U.S. citizens to go south
Manifest Destiny The belief or doctrine that the expansion of the U.S. throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable The U.S. used this idea in their battle for Oregon Country
The Treaty of Oregon British owned Vancouver Island U.S. owned: Puget Sound region All of the Columbia River south of the 49th parallel
The San juan islands Dispute What was the San Juan Islands Dispute? Read page 197 – Read through Pig War United States – Canada Boundary Today Since 1872 the boundary has been peaceful
GO Over Questions
Indian Wars 1847 - 1877 Read Page 200 Current Issues Update
Write down/Read Through keys to understanding – Page 201 Cayuse Wars Chief Joseph Chief Leschi Isaac Stevens Kamiakin Modoc Wars Walla Wall Council Yakama Wars
Overview Read on page 201 Read pages 202 – 203, Native Americans through Reasons for the Conflict Write down the Reasons for Conflict between Native Americans and explorers, traders, and missionaries.
Check Assignments Vocab Ten Reasons for Conflict
Intertribal Wars Along the Coast Read Section on page 202 Native Americans fought each other too
Reasons for Conflict What were the reasons for conflict between the Native Americans and explorers, fur traders, missionaries, and settlers? Write on the board
Work Time Worksheet Assignment Start Poster Assignment on Indian Wars Yakama Wars Cascades Attack Battle of Rosalia Battle of Spokane Plains The Modoc War Nez Perce Retreat Bannock-Paiute War
Project Indian Poster Project You may pick a partner to do a poster on a Native American War that I assign to you You will be scored by the following: 5 pts for creativity 5 pts for use of class time and professionally presenting to the class 20 pts for covering the information in the book
Early Conflicts Read Page 203 Introduction
Quinault River Incident What happened here? Bruno de Hezeta sent 7 men to seek fresh water 200 Quinalts killed them all Attacked Spanish ship Repelled by Spanish guns Happened in 1775 Reason for battle? For control and ownership of land
Minor Coastal Clashes In 1787 Charles Barkley sent long boats into Hoh River Result? In 1788 Robert Gray crew fought the Tillamook In 1790 Spanish Explorer Manuel Quimper fought the Makah What happened to his first pilot? In 1792 Robert Gray ordered the destruction of 200 Nootka houses Response by Nootka?
The Tonquin What happened here? Captain Jonathan Thorn of the Pacific Fur Company Sent to establish Fort Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia Angered the Nootka The Nootka killed him and 26 of his men Many Nootka were killed as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KEKPic5psA
The Lull Between 1811 – 1847 Native population decreased Influenza Venereal Malaria Cholera Typhoid fever Measles Smallpox Increased tensions…
The Whitman Massacre Read pages 204-205 Many causes for the massacre Note: It was not uncommon for Indians to kill their medicine man if their patient died Impact: Shocked Americans
The Cayuse War What did you have written? Could the U.S. get involved? Who organized 300-500 men to fight the Cayuse? What happened to the Cayuse leaders?
Indian Wars Read Introduction on page 205 The Rogue River Wars What was found in the Rogue River valley? What was the Indian response What was the Gold Beach attack? What did Enos do to Benjamin Wright? Survivors stayed in a blockhouse Indians besieged it U.S. troops saved them
Peace Treaties What did Washington Territory consist of? Washington and Idaho Plus small sections of Montana and Wyoming Who was the first governor of the Washington Territory? What did he do? Made treaties with the Coastal Tribes Read last paragraph on page 207
The Walla Walla Council What did you have written? Set up by Isaac Stevens and Joel Palmer For Plateau Indians Around 5,000 Plateau Indians attended What did the Cayuse apparently try to do? What stopped them? What were the results of the peace treaties? Established three reservations Paid a lump sum of cash to each tribe Paid annual salary to chiefs for the next 20 years
Specifics of the treaties? Read last four paragraphs on page 208