Nevado Del Ruiz By: Katherine Allen 5B
Nevado Del Ruiz is a cone shaped volcano Nevado Del Ruiz is a cone shaped volcano. It was built from ash and lava. It located 87 miles northwest of Columbia’s capital, Bogotá.
Nevado Del Ruiz is an active volcano Nevado Del Ruiz is an active volcano. It has erupted many times but on November 15th, 1985 it caused the most damage killing 23,000 people. Most of the Fatalities occurred in a town called Armero. Nevado Del Ruiz is active and Could erupt again.
The volcano is above the boundary between the sub ducting Nazca and overriding South American tectonic plates. The two boundaries are convergent.
Damage Nevado Del Ruiz caused a lot of damage. Over 5,000 houses where ruined. After, the whole town of Armeno was covered in ash.
Fun Facts: After Nevado del Ruiz erupted 10,000 people where homeless. The loose falling rock from the volcano created mud flows or slides. The volcano erupted during the night.