Repeating Patterns Lesson 2-1 CCSS 4.OA.5 Literature Link: Bees, Snails, and Peacock Tails by Betsy Franco and Steve Jenkins *also integration of science
MATH Essential Questions How are patterns of change related to the behavior of functions? MATH Essential Questions
MATH Essential Questions How can patterns, relations, and functions be explained? MATH Essential Questions
MATH Essential Questions How can understanding a pattern help you solve other problems? MATH Essential Questions
MATH Essential Questions Where have you seen other patterns occur? Did it help you to predict outcomes? MATH Essential Questions
Warm up 14 - 9 15 - 8 13 - 6 16 - 7
Today’s lesson You know skip-counting patterns, such as 2, 4, 6, 8. You can continue the pattern by adding or subtracting the same number again and again. Today, you will learn about shape patterns and how to extend them.
Where have you seen patterns? Do you have wallpaper or tiles in your home? What is the pattern of the paper for tiles? In a shape pattern, the order of the shapes is the same again and again.
Repeating patterns Repeating patterns are made up of shapes and numbers that repeat over and over again. EXAMPLE: What shape comes next? Explain. Write this definition in your notebook.
Problem 1 What are the next four shapes in this pattern? Use your pattern blocks to solve.
Pattern blocks and e-tools Let’s practice making more patterns using the pattern blocks and e-tools in Envision.
Practice with a partner Make a pattern using the pattern blocks with the first ten shapes in a pattern that starts with a triangle followed by two squares. What will be the next three shapes if you follow this pattern? Can you make a pattern that starts with two triangles, 1 trapezoid, and then one square. What would be the 12th shape if you continue this pattern?
How to solve pattern problems 1: Draw it out. Keep drawing the pattern until you find the shape or number that would answer the question. 2: Count the pattern over and over until you get to the number that you are looking for. The shape you are pointing to will be the answer.
Repeating patterns with numbers You can also use numbers to make a repeating pattern. EXAMPLE: 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3 If this pattern continues, what would the 20th number be? Explain how you found this answer.
Problem 2 Write the next 5 numbers to continue the pattern. 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5
Problem 3 Laurie is making a bracelet. She put on 2 pink beads, then 3 purple beads in a repeating pattern. If the pattern continues, what color will the 25th bead be?
Wrapping it up In this lesson, you learned how to look at a repeating pattern of shapes or numbers, find the part that repeats, and use it to continue the pattern. Website Practice: s.swf Classwork – 2-1 Reteaching Homework - 2-1 Practice