Abstract Machine for Software Process Models Prescriptive models: Waterfall, Incremental, Spiral Agile models: Extreme Programming, Scrum Formulation of Abstract Machine for SPM Based on Finite State Machine Element Symbol Description State Set S All steps of whole process Input Set I External information and Intermediate products Output Set O Intermediate and final products State Function SF Next State = SF(Input, State) Output Function OF Output = OF(Input, State) Goal State G After software release or acceptance
More descriptions FSM-based Abstract Machine State Set: includes all steps of the whole process Input Set: user requirements, environment, documents, etc. Output Set: prototypes, versions, documents, etc. State Function: transitions of states based on input Output Function: products of states based on input Goal State: after software release/deployment or acceptance by user. TODO for Milestone 2 Customize the abstract machine for each chosen model, especially the state function and output function.