The formation of small herniations (pouches) in the gastrointestinal tract Caused by an area of weakness in the intestine Analogy: an inner tube poking through a weak spot in a tire
Diverticulosis ©http://images. medicinenet
The herniations are located in the mucosa and submucosa found in the wall of the intestine The pouches begin in the lumen and extend into the muscular wall
The pouches are called diverticula
Diverticulosis ©http://www. ctisus
Diverticula ©http://healthinmotion.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/16.jpg
External View of Diverticulosis ©http://www. portalesmedicos
Tends to form during middle age As an individual ages, the mucosa thickens inhibiting peristalsis of the intestine Increased strain on the walls of the intestine may cause weak areas to herniate
Approximately 10% of Americans over the age of 40 have this disorder
Eventually the mucosa (lining of the intestine) becomes thickened with epithelial cells Pouch may become isolated from the lumen
Transverse Section of Left Colon with Diverticulosis ©http://upload
If the diverticula become inflamed, the condition is called diverticulitis
Most people with diverticulosis do not have any symptoms or have mild symptoms People with diverticulitis usually have severe abdominal pain It will most likely be accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, cramping, constipation
It can usually be treated with antibiotics Surgery may be necessary if the diverticula perforate the intestine
If pus from infected diverticula leak into the abdominal cavity, surgery may be necessary Surgeons will remove the perforated segment of intestine and create an opening between the large intestine and the skin
Colostomy: surgical procedure leaving part of the intestine connected to the anterior abdominal wall This will usually be repaired with a second surgery
Colostomy ©http://www.nuh.com.sg/healthinfo/images/stoma3.gif
Colostomy Support Bag ©http://img388. imageshack
For Lab
Small Intestine Histology ©
Normal Small Intestine High Power fffffff©http://images. google
Transverse Section of Colon with Diverticulosis ©http://upload
Diverticulosis of the Colonic Mucosa ©http://www. pathconsultddx