Human Perception 7: Pattern Sensitivity
Harmonic Spatial Stimuli M = mean level, a = contrast, f = spatial frequency
Receptive Field MTF
Harmonic Spatial-Temporal Stimuli c(x,t) = M ( 1 + a sin(2fxx) sin(2ftt) ) M = mean level, a = contrast, fx = spatial frequency, ft = temporal frequency
Human Contrast-Sensitivity Function
Human Contrast-Sensitivity Function
Psychophysical Linespread Function
Light Adaptation
Light Adaptation (A) 2 degree disk (de Lange 1958) (B) 60 degree disk (Kelly 1961)
Retinal Eccentricity (A) 1 degree x 2 degree grating patch (B) Scaled in size and frequency
Retinotopic organization Methods to estimate the receptive field location