James Chick, Christine Couper, Mandy Stevenson & Arushka Theagarajah HEFCE Catalyst Fund Project: Addressing student attainment using Inclusive Curriculum design and Value Added metric James Chick, Christine Couper, Mandy Stevenson & Arushka Theagarajah 170223
Project Primary Goal To use the Value Added (VA) Dashboard and Inclusive Curriculum Framework (ICF) to address the BME attainment gap. Project Partners Lead Institution
Tools Value Added (VA) Dashboard Using Value Added Metrics to provide a rationale for engaging with the Inclusive Curriculum Framework Value Added (VA) Dashboard CC/MS VA The VA Metric is calculated using the same methodology as the Guardian League Table, The VA metric highlights differences in attainment which cannot be explained by student entry qualifications or subject of study. This moves discussions beyond the student deficit model leading to effective action and cultural change. The VA can equally be used for other characteristics, such as gender, age, socio-economic status etc. Where the attainment exceeds or falls below the ‘expected’ the VA score is proportionately above or below 1. Kingston has developed a Tableau dashboard showing VA scores for White and BME students over the last six years by faculty, school and course. This has proved a very powerful way of engaging staff in constructive discussions about the gap and ways to address it. University and Greenwich have used our own data and created an enhanced version of this dashboard. ICF The ICF is the institutional approach to building inclusivity from ‘concept to review’. Inclusivity is treated as an ongoing measure of quality assurance and enhancement. The principles of inclusivity are embedded within all aspects of the academic cycle from the development and revitalisation of curricula, through the practice of teaching and learning, to the process of assessment and finally full circle to programme review, modification and revalidation. The Framework applies a set of principles to the dimensions of learning and teachingto ensure success for all students through a curriculum that is accessible, reflects students’ background and prepares them to positively contribute to a global anddiverse workplace.
Dashboard Value Added Dashboard switch to Tableau
Tools 2 the Inclusive Curriculum Framework (ICF) Small changes to one activity may have a significant impact when using the Inclusive Curriculum Framework CC/MS VA The VA Metric is calculated using the same methodology as the Guardian League Table, The VA metric highlights differences in attainment which cannot be explained by student entry qualifications or subject of study. This moves discussions beyond the student deficit model leading to effective action and cultural change. The VA can equally be used for other characteristics, such as gender, age, socio-economic status etc. Where the attainment exceeds or falls below the ‘expected’ the VA score is proportionately above or below 1. Kingston has developed a Tableau dashboard showing VA scores for White and BME students over the last six years by faculty, school and course. This has proved a very powerful way of engaging staff in constructive discussions about the gap and ways to address it. University and Greenwich have used our own data and created an enhanced version of this dashboard. ICF The ICF is the institutional approach to building inclusivity from ‘concept to review’. Inclusivity is treated as an ongoing measure of quality assurance and enhancement. The principles of inclusivity are embedded within all aspects of the academic cycle from the development and revitalisation of curricula, through the practice of teaching and learning, to the process of assessment and finally full circle to programme review, modification and revalidation. The Framework applies a set of principles to the dimensions of learning and teachingto ensure success for all students through a curriculum that is accessible, reflects students’ background and prepares them to positively contribute to a global anddiverse workplace.
Tools 3 ICF Continued The ICF provides lots of options, remember you are not expected to have something in every box.
Progress so far Train the trainer days led by Kingston University Faculty Rollout: almost complete Departmental Rollout: has started Professional Services Events: in the timetable Inclusive Curriculum workshop led by the Greenwich Project Team Students Union attended training, participated in workshops and is working closely with other partners
Student Union Involvement By the nature of our existence as an organization, the SU is trained to represent students, and it is vital to be involved and support projects like this. Some of the things that we did last term included: Providing students with “liberation” equality training for Faculty Officers and Programme Reps Sat on the project team providing SU representation Helped facilitate a strategy day with key university leaders to identify best plans for roll-out Attended a Students’ Union information sharing event hosted by Kingston University.
Representation of BAME students is now being made a priority of the SU via a motion passed at the last Student Council. The policy includes: BAME focus group which will identify the issues and barriers faced by BAME students Prioritize Black History Month Review internal policies to ensure that we are as progressive as possible from a human resources and organizational standpoint Set up the SU in a way that empowers and makes space for the voices of black leaders
Ways we hope to embed the VA Dashboard and the ICF at the University of Greenwich Make all colleagues aware about the gap in attainment Use that engagement to implement change based on the ICF Train Colleagues to support the roll out of the VA/ICF project Sponsor the SU to participate in co-curriculum development Continue to engage with others like Greenwich Research into Innovative Pedagogies (GRIP) and the Diversity Interest Group (DIG) Present at conferences like SHIFT Link to work on Unconscious Bias Training Identify other work on pedagogy/equality and diversity activities going on in the university and create links Support the Development of the Race Equality Charter Embed the work into training of new staff (PGCert) Include the dashboard as an evidence base during periodic review
Discussion Any questions? Do any of the VA Scores Surprise you? Is there anything more we could be doing to promote this project in your faculty? Do we need to think about how local and institutional and national policy changes effected faculty results? Do the changes effect both BME and White Students? What are the next steps for you?
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