Atmospheric Chemistry AP Chemistry
Principle Components Oxygen Nitrogen gas Water vapor Carbon dioxide And more Mole fraction of components seen in Table 5.4 The heavier the molecules, the closer to the earth’s surface. The lighter the molecules, the higher the altitudes, even escaping into space.
Layers of the Atmosphere Based on temps. See figure 5.30. What’s happening to the pressure as temp increases? At higher levels, there’s high-energy radiation What shields us from that radiation?
Air Pollution What causes pollution? Transportation: combustion of petroleum producing CO, CO2, NO, NO2 Production of electricity: burning coal, which contains sulfur producing sulfur oxide when burned.
Recommended problems 37, 41-48, 62-66, 73, 75, 76, 96, 97, 99, 100, 103, 104, 107, 109