Model of MIS & Leading Research Presented By Eyran Gisches Hsin-Min Lu Manlu Liu Michael Edwards Nichalin Suakkaphong Ping Yan Runpu Sun Steve Coulon Tianjun Fu December 7th, 2005 MIS 696A - Readings in MIS (Dr. Jay Nunamaker) Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Agenda Research Objectives & Approach MIS Research Domain Model Research Classification Model MIS Time Trend MIS Domains KM, AI, & IR Collaboration & Communication Database Economics of Informatics HCI Operations Research Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Conclusion 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Research Objectives & Approach Build on existing mappings of the MIS domain (by previous classes); Identify key academic researchers and their key publications; Classify researchers and publications using the model we provide; Display the landmark events for each discipline in a timeline format; and Map the trend for the whole MIS field as well as for each subfield in MIS Approach Classify the field into eight sub-fields Four sections for each subfield Background Timeline Time Trend Key Researchers 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Agenda Research Objectives & Approach MIS Research Domain Model Research Classification Model MIS Time Trend MIS Domains KM, AI, & IR Collaboration & Communication Database Economics of Informatics HCI Operations Research Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Conclusion 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS Research Domain Model 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Agenda Research Objectives & Approach MIS Research Domain Model Research Classification Model MIS Time Trend MIS Domains KM, AI, & IR Collaboration & Communication Database Economics of Informatics HCI Operations Research Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Conclusion 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Research Classification Model Theory / Application: Theory is described as a type of research that is used to describe an environment. Application is the use of an existing theory to propose an actual solution to a specific problem. Technical / Behavioral: Technical refers to positivist research, or research that relies on observable facts. Behavior refers to interpretivist research, or research that relies on interpreting observable behavior. Rigor / Relevance:Rigorous research typically involves exact, mathematical modeling. Relevant research is generalized for use by practitioners. 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Agenda Research Objectives & Approach MIS Research Domain Model Research Classification Model MIS Time Trend MIS Domains KM, AI, & IR Collaboration & Communication Database Economics of Informatics HCI Operations Research Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Conclusion 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona MIS Time Trend Source: ABI/Inform Database Five-year interval start from 1970 Publication share = Field publication count / Total journal publication All fields going up except System Analysis 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Publication Share & Growth Rate Publication Growth Publication share: 2000-2004 Publication growth rate: 1980-2000, annual growth rate 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Publication Share-Growth Matrix Social Informatics HCI Data Management Collaboration High Publication Growth OM (DS) AI Econ System Analysis & Design Low High Low Publication Share 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Agenda Research Objectives & Approach MIS Research Domain Model Research Classification Model MIS Time Trend MIS Domains KM, AI, & IR Collaboration & Communication Database Economics of Informatics HCI Operations Research Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Conclusion 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Artificial Intelligence Timeline 1956 McCarthy coins the term 1967 Successful knowledge-based program: Dendral is built 1972 A Model of Evolutionary Change in Proteins 1990 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Bayesian method developed for determining atomic positions 1997 Deep Blue chess program beats Kasparov 1999 EcoCyc: The Resource and the Lessons Learned 2002 Accomplishments and challenges in literature data mining for biology 1950 Alan Turing “Turing test” 1958 McCarthy invented LISP 1968 Marvin Minsky published Perceptrons mid80s NN/BP widely used 1950 – "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" published 1956 – The term "artificial intelligence" coined 1974 – First expert system developed 1980’s – Neutral network with back propagation 1990’s – Machine learning, data mining, deep blue, etc. 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Artificial Intelligence Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Artificial Intelligence Key Researchers & Contributors John McCarthy Stanford University Programming language, AI, Mathematics Gerard Salton (1927-1995) Cornell University Information Retrieval, Natural language text processing Marvin Minsky Massachusetts Institute of Technology AI, cognitive psychology, neural networks, Turing machines, robotics 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Artificial Intelligence Key Researchers & Contributors Alexa McCray (NCBC, NLP) Allen Newell (UC Berkeley, general problem solver ) Carol Friedman (Columbia, NLP) Douglas Lenat (Cycorp, Machine learning) Edward Feigenbaum(Standford, Knowledge Systems ) Gerard Salton (Cornell, information retrieval) Herbert Simon (CMU , human cognition) Hsinchun Chen (UA, digital library) John McCarthy (Stanford, Programming language) Marvin Minsky (MIT, neutral network , robotics) Paul Gray (Claremont Graduate University, DSS) Robert Kahn (CNRI, Network protocol) Russ Biagio, Altman (Stanford, biological) 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Collaboration Timeline 1968 – Englebart’s Video Conference 1969 – Policy Delphi 1971 – Delphi for group communication 1983 – Foundation for study of GSS 1987 – Collaboration used at Xerox labs 1991 – Requirements for group support established 1996 – Groupware Grid proposed 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Collaboration Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Collaboration Key Researchers & Contributors Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. University of Arizona Computer supported collaboration and decision support to improve productivity and communication. Murray Turoff New Jersey Institute of Technology Everything that has to do with collaboration George P. Huber University of Texas at Austin Organizational change, design and decision making 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Collaboration Key Researchers & Contributors Jay Nunamaker, Jr. (Arizona, Computer Supported Collaboration) Murray Turoff (NJIT, Everything Collaboration) George Huber (UT Austin, Organizational Change) Brent Gallupe (Queens University, Electronic Brainstorming) Geradine DeSanctis (deceased, Electronic Communication) Robert Johansen (IFTF, Technology Forecasting) * Note: More details on the next slide 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Data Management Timeline 1970 – E.F. Codd’s article on Relational Databases 1974 – SQL Invented 1985 – Postgres Project on Object-Oriented Databases 1988 – Database warehouse idea 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Data Management Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Data Management Key Researchers & Contributors Edgar F. Codd Researcher, IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA Relational database technologies Peter Pin-Shan Chen Professor, Louisiana State University Database design, Entity-Relationship Model Michael Stonebraker Adjunct Professor, MIT DBMS support for visualization environments and next-generation distributed DBMSs 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Data Management Key Researchers & Contributors Raymond F. Boyce (Researcher, IBM Research Laboratory; Relational databases) Peter Pin-Shan Chen (Professor, Louisiana State University; Entity-Relationship Model) Edgar F. Codd (Researcher, IBM Research Laboratory; Relational database technologies) Alan R. Hevner (Professor, University of South Florida; Distributed Database, Decision Science) Stuart E. Madnick (Professor, MIT; Database and information integration technologies) Salvatore T. March (Professor, Vanderbilt University; Distributed database design) Shamkant B. Navathe (Professor, Georgia Institute Of Technology; Database modeling) Michael Stonebraker (Adjunct Professor, MIT; DBMS support for visualization environments and next-generation distributed DBMS) 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Data Management Key Researchers & Contributors Sudha Ram (Professor, University of Arizona; Semantic interoperability among heterogeneous data sources) Stefano Spaccapietra (Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; Ontologies, user interfaces) Veda Storey (Professor, Georgia State University; Database management systems, intelligent systems, and ontology development) Toby J. Teorey (Professor, University of Michigan; Database and data warehouse design) Kim Won (CEO, Cyber Database Solutions; Business intelligent systems, OLAP, Data Mining) 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Economics of Informatics Timeline 1985 – Pricing of computer services (Mendelson) 1988 – Switching costs and lock-in theories (Farrell and Shapiro) 1993 – Productivity paradox of IT (Brynjolfsson) 1999 – Bundling of information goods (Bakos and Brynjolfsson) 1999 – Economics of global IT (King and Sethi) 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Economics of Informatics Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Economics of Informatics Key Researchers & Contributors Yannis Bakos New York University Information goods bundling, economics and business implications of information technology Erik Brynjolfsson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Productivity paradox, pricing and sharing of digital information Carl Shapiro University of California at Berkeley Network externality, product standards and compatibility, industry organization 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Economics of Informatics Key Researchers & Contributors Yannis Bakos (NYU, Bundling) * Erik Brynjolfsson (MIT, IT Productivity) * Carl Shapiro (UC Berkeley, Network Externality) * Anitesh Barua (UT Austin, Value of IT) Eric Clemons (Univ. of Penn., IT Investment) Ronald Coase (Univ. of Chicago, Transaction Cost) Peter Drucker (Clarmont Graduate Univ., Organ. Manag.) Vijay Gurbaxani (UC Irvine, IT Strategy) Kenneth L. Kraemer (UC Irvine, IT Productivity) Haim Mendelson (Stanford Unvi., IT Impact on Organization) Hal Varian (UC Berkeley, Microeconomics) Andrew B. Whinston (UT Austin, Digital Economy) * Note: More details on the next slide 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Timeline Card, Stuart K, 1983, “The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction” Bush Vannevar, 1945, “As we may think” George W, Furnas, 1986, "Generalized fisheye views" Licklider, J. C. R., 1960, "Man-Computer Symbiosis" Robertson, G., 1977, ”ZOG: A Man-Machine Communication Philosophy” Bush Vannevar, 1945, “As we may think” Licklider, J. C. R., 1960, "Man-Computer Symbiosis" Robertson, G., 1977, ”ZOG: A Man-Machine Communication Philosophy” Card, Stuart K, 1983, “The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction” George W, Furnas, 1986, "Generalized fisheye views" 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona HCI Trend We used four keywords to try and trend the research activities of HCI through year 1970 to 2000: Information visualization OR (computer graphics AND information technology/system) User interface AND information technology/system "human computer interaction" Nature language processing AND Information technology/system. From the graphs we can see that HCI really began it’s growth in 1975, and the information visualization field booms since 1995. 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona HCI Key Researchers & Contributors Douglas C. Engelbart Stanford University Augmenting human intellect – via graphical design, human factors, and hypertextual information display. George W. Furnas The University of Michigan HCI: information access, visualization, computer-supported cooperative work & graphical reasoning Terry A. Winograd Human-computer interaction design, with a focus on the theoretical background and conceptual models 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona HCI Key Researchers & Contributors Bush, Vannevar (deceased 1974, MIT, Hypertext research) Stuart K. Card (researcher, Palo Alto Research Center, input device - mouse) Douglas C. Engelbart (professor, Stanford U, graphical design and human factors) Gorge W. Furnas (professor, U of Michigan, human communication) J.C.R. Lickerlider (deceased 1990, founder, Advanced Research Projects Agency, HCI) Allen Newell (deceased 1992, professor, CMU, hypertext) Brad A. Myers (professor, CMU, user interface) Jakob Neilson (professor, MIT, web usability) Donald A. Norman (professor, Northwestern U, human-centered design) Ben Shneiderman (professor, U of Maryland, user interface design) Terry A. Winograd (professor, Standford U, HCI and natural language processing) John M. Carroll (professor, Virginia Tech, user-scenario design) 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Operations Management 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Assembly line Economic lot sizing Quality control Worker motivation Complex system problems Extensive development of OR tools Widespread use of computers Service quality and productivity Management strategies: JIT, TQC Factory Automation Synchronous manufacturing TQM Business process reengineering Electronic Enterprise Supply chain management E-commerce Timeline 1947 - Linear programming – Simplex Algorithm 1950’s-60’s – OM starts to differentiate from OR and IM 1970’s – MRP, Scheduling, Inventory Control, Forecasting 1980’s – JIT, TQC 1990’s – BRP, TQM 2000’s – E-Commerce 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Operations Management Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Operations Management Key Researchers & Contributors George Danzig (1914-2005) Linear Programming – Simplex algorithm Edward W. Bowman (1925-1998) University of Penssilvania Production Hau L. Lee Stanford Supply Chain 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Operations Management Key Researchers & Contributors George Danzig (deceased 2005, Linear Programming) Edward W. Bowman (deceased 1998, Production) William E. Deming (deceased 1993, Manufacturing) Hau L. Lee (Stanford, Supply Chain) Marshall L. Fisher (Wharton, Production management) Ralph H. Sprague (Hawaii, DSS) Alan G. Merten (George Mason, Organizational information) * Note: More details on the next slide 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Social Informatics Timeline Late 1980s 2001 Adaptive technology 1998 Intellectual property required for Trust in global in an open team differences virtual teams information environment 1994 1996 Fair use Term “Social informatics” Came into popular use in North America and digital data 1980s – Adaptive technology required for team differences 1994 – Fair use and digital data 1996 – Term “Social Informatics” Came into popular use 1998 – Trust in global virtual teams 2001 – Intellectual property in an open information environment 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Social Informatics Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Social Informatics Key Researchers & Contributors Wanda J. Orlikowski Massachusetts Institute of Technology Interactions between information technology and the organization Pamela Samuelson University of California at Berkeley Intellectual property law, public policy for information technology Rob Kling (1944-2003) Indiana University at Bloomington electronic media to support communication 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
Social Informatics Key Researchers & Contributors Gordon B. Davis (University of Minnesota, MIS planning ) John L. King (University of Michigan, socio-technical information infrastructures ) Rob Kling (Indiana University, use of electronic media ) Kenneth L. Kraemer (UC Irvine, National computer policy) Lawrence Lessig (Stanford , Law of Cyberspace ) Wanda J. Orlikowski (MIT, Organizational change and IT ) Sara Kiesler (CMU, Social and Behavior) Seymour Goodman (Georgia Tech, technology diffusion ) Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa (UT Austin, E-Commerce ) Robert W. Zmud (University of Oklahoma , User behavior) Pamela Samuelson (UC Berkeley , IP Law) Lee S. Sproull (NYU, Group dynamic) JoAnne Yates (MIT, IT Management) William R. King (University of Pittsburgh, Strategic IS Planning ) Daniel Robey (Georgia State ) * Note: More details on the next slide 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
System Analysis and Design Timeline 1930’s and 40’s – General system theory developed 1966 – Simula (the first OO language) 1969 – Structured programming 1970 – Waterfall method 1974 – Structured design 1976 – Structured analysis 1988 – Spiral model 1993 – workflow management coalition founded 1994 – Designed patterns applied to software development 1997 – UML accepted by OMG The process of determining what an information system needs to do and how it will do “analyzing” business requirements for information systems and “designing” information systems that fulfill those business requirements Involves the logical design and physical design of the system 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
System Analysis and Design Trend 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
System Analysis and Design Key Researchers & Contributors Ludwig von Bertalanfy (deceased 1972) Can be considered as father of system analysis and design Introduced general system theory Ole-Johan Dahl (deceased 2002) Developed the Simula programming language Founder of object technology Kristen Nygaad (deceased 2002) 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
System Analysis and Design Key Researchers & Contributors Ludwig von Bertalanffy a biologist, scientist,philosopher Ole-Johan Dahl Computer programming, object-oriented research Kristen Nygaad Edsgar W. Dijkstra Data structures and algorithms Barry Boehm University of Southern California Software process modeling, software architectures Grady Booch Object-oriented analysis and design Tom DeMarco System software specification, risk management 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
System Analysis and Design Key Researchers & Contributors Clarence Ellis University of Colorado Boulder Work flow technology, groupware Ivar Jacobson Objected-oriented analysis and design Jeff Kramer Imperial College Distributed systems, software architecture David Lorge Pamas McMaster University Computer system design Amit P. Sheth University of Georgia Semantic Web and Semantic information brokering Edward Yourdon Structured design, objected-oriented systems 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Agenda Research Objectives & Approach MIS Research Domain Model Research Classification Model MIS Time Trend MIS Domains KM, AI, & IR Collaboration & Communication Database Economics of Informatics HCI Operations Research Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Conclusion 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona
MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona Conclusion Our project accomplished our objectives: Build on existing mappings of the MIS domain (by previous classes); Identify key academic researchers and their key publications; Classify researchers and publications using the model we provide; Display the landmark events for each discipline in a timeline format; and Map the trend for the whole MIS field as well as for each subfield in MIS We have provided a solid foundation of work for future classes. 11/17/2018 MIS696A-Reading in MIS | U of Arizona