Intro to Promotions and Personal Selling Marketing Principles Unit 11
Promotion as Part of the Marketing Mix Promotion: communicating about products Inform Persuade Remind
Types of Communication Interpersonal communication Two-way communication Involves two or more people in some kind of person-to-person exchange Mass communication One-way communication Involves communicating to huge audiences, usually through mass media
Personal Selling One on one communication between sales person/marketer and customer Different from other forms of promotion because all other forms are mass communication
Elements of the Promotional Mix Advertising Personal selling Public relations Sales promotion
The Pro’s and Con’s Disadvantages Advantages Cost per customer Information Time Flexibility Feedback Persuasion Follow-up Disadvantages Cost per customer Time Control Skill
When to Use Personal Selling Complex or expensive products Small target markets New or very unique products Customers located in a limited geographic area Complicated or long decision-making process Customers who expect personal attention and help with decision making
Personal Selling Requires… Understanding of… Customers Product Competition Chapter 15
Understanding Customers Being CUSTOMER CENTRIC—EVERYTHING AROUND CONSUMERS Identifying customers Qualifying prospective customers Understanding customer decisions AIDCA Attention Interest Desire Conviction Action
Understanding the Product Product knowledge Communicating product information Feature: attributes about the product Benefit: what about the product will please the customer
Understanding the Competition Salespeople need to understand the differences between their product and the competition’s product. Salespeople need to explain the differences to help customers make the comparison.
The Selling Process
There is a method to the madness! Generating Leads Approach Determine Needs Demonstrate Answer questions Close Follow
Generating Leads Finding possible customers Requires research or “hitting the pavement” Must make sure that the lead is qualified Willing Able
Approach Contact customers, gain their attention and interest, and create a favorable first impression
Determine Needs Gather information to determine customers’ needs and how they can be met
Demonstrate Present the product in a way that emphasizes customer benefits
Answer Questions Overcome objections and ensure the marketing mix meets the customers’ needs
Close Obtain a decision to purchase
Suggestive Selling Suggesting other purchases that might enhance their product experience
Follow-up Continue contact to ensure satisfaction, determine other needs, and build relationships
Using the Steps Not all steps are used all the time Depends on… Type of good/service Customer needs Price
Sample Sales Pitch The Bad The Good! Chapter 15
Internet and Personal Selling Read article with your table. Summarize how the internet is impacting person selling in 1 paragraph. Use complete sentences! No less than 5 sentences! Chapter 15