Catherine Hall Chief Executive It’s a matter of rights Catherine Hall Chief Executive
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Equality before the law without discrimination (article 5) Freedom of expression and opinion (article 21) Right to life, liberty and security of person (articles 10 and 14) Respect for privacy (article 22) Equal recognition before the law and legal capacity (article 12) Respect for home and family (article 23) Freedom from torture (article 15) Right to education (article 24) Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse (article 16) Right to health (article 25) Right to respect physical and mental integrity (article 17) Right to work (article 27) Freedom of movement and nationality (article 18) Right to an adequate standard or living (article 28) Right to live in independently the community (articles 19 and 26) Right to participate in political and public life (article 29) Right to participate in cultural life (article 30)
Equal recognition and legal capacity (article 12) Changes to PPPR Supported decision making Education about the process Participation in research
Freedom from torture and ill treatment (articles 14 -16) Physical environments and new OPCAT role Do we need locks? Restraints – can they be justified in 2018? The valuable and under appreciated role of staff
Live independently (articles 19 and 26) “I can reassure you that, however it may feel at the beginning, it is still possible to live a life of quality with dementia. Not the life you had before, perhaps, but a life full of promise...” Person with dementia
Highest attainable standard of health (article 25) Doing a poor job of supporting people living with dementia Only 50% of people get a diagnosis Most care partners feel overwhelmed No investment in specialist community and home based services in more than 10 years
Time for change
Our Service Delivery Model
Services Standards Approach The model Awareness and risk reduction Walking alongside Transition Managing through a crisis Services Dementia Friendly services Service response and delivery Effective organisational management Standards Human rights basis Focused on the experience of people living with dementia Self assessment and peer review Approach
People are at the centre of everything we do I wanted to support the organisation that is helping myself and my family to come to terms with my condition while I am still able to
Integrated services
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