Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation
What is EESTEC? An European organisation of and for European Electrical Engineers and Computer Science students Currently 32 members (Local Committees) in 21 countries with more then 1300 active members Non-profitable, non-political organisation Permanent seat in Delft, The Netherlands 20th anniversary this year Sofia is hosting EESTEC Congress 2006 Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
Aims of EESTEC Developing and promoting international contacts Exchanging ideas & technical know-how Fostering collaboration and knowledge transfer Promoting international career and job opportunities Comparing different educational systems Creating globally connected student community Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
GOAL OF EESTEC Connecting Faculty Students Industry Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
What does EESTEC do Workshops Cultural Exchanges Seminars about the topics from field of EE and CS Gathering technical knowledge through work in international teams Improving business and soft skills of future engineers Cultural Exchanges Focus on visiting foreign universities and companies Presenting culture, diversity and different habits of the different European people Partners and coorganisers present themselves through the exchanges Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
Congress in Sofia 2006 26 April – 5 May The biggest EESTEC event – more than 100 perspective EE and CS students from all Europe All the local boards present at the congress People with business, leading and team skills Discussion/decisions upon current affairs and the future of association Planning Workshops & Exchanges Madrid, the Congress 2005 Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
Sofia – Congress Organising Committee Support: Under the patronage of President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Georgi Parvanov Technical University of Sofia Representatives of electrical and telecommunications business LC Sofia EESTEC International Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
Give your support to Congress !!! What we can offer you: Present your company Organise case study Survey among students Advertise your products Get in touch with the future engineers all around the Europe Explore possibility for further cooperation Include your company’s logo into the congress publications Have media coverage Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
Who will hear of you ! Austria Vienna Latvia Valmiera Bulgaria Sofia Macedonia Skopje Poland Krakow Wroclaw Romania Bucharest Craiova Russia Murom Serbia & Novi Sad Montenegro Belgrade Niš Podgorica Slovenia Ljubljana Spain Madrid Sweden Linköping Switzerland Zürich The Netherlands Delft Austria Vienna Bulgaria Sofia Bosnia&Herzegovina Banja Luka East Sarajevo Croatia Rijeka Estonia Tallin Finland Helsinki Oulu Tampere Germany Aachen Munich Hamburg Greece Athens Hungary Budapest Italy Cosenza Trieste Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
Help us to present Bulgaria to the Europe !!!
How to contact Georgi Uzunov (Chairman): E-mail: g_uzi@abv.bg Mobile phone: +359899903054 Zahari Zahariev (Contact Person): E-mail: zahari.zahariev@gmail.com Mobile phone: +359898282510 Irina Mitrova (PR Person): E-mail: mitrova@abv.bg Mobile phone: +359885320441 Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
How to contact EESTEC International? Chairman Borut Ceh e-mail: chairman@eestec.org Treasurer Marina Plavsic e-mail: treasurer@eestec.org Vice Chairwoman Internal Affairs Tijana Momirov e-mail: vc-ia@eestec.org Vice Chairman External Affairs Florian Friesdorf e-mail: vc-ea@eestec.org Vice Chairwoman Publications & Administration Francesca Vizzi e-mail: vc-pa@eestec.org Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATENTTION! Congress:www.eestec-bg.org EESTEC Int.: www.eestec.org