How to Utilize the New CBAR Go for the gold How to Utilize the New CBAR Liz Corbett, CPIM Have slide 1 (the course title slide) displayed as participants enter the room. Prior to the class, update the subheadings in the slide to add the session date and your name and location. Introduce yourself and welcome participants to the instructor-led course for Part 2 of the APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) Learning System. You should have already encouraged your students to fill out their online biographies in the online Learning System. If you have not, encourage them to do so now. President, Madison Chapter
Going for Gold Old CBAR New CBAR Examples How to Use New CBAR Q & A
OLD CBAR Excel Workbook Measured chapter performance Gold, Silver, Bronze Points per activity (0,5,10) Question and Answer Format Chapter Planning Tool Reviewed by the District Staff Approved by the APICS Corporate Ask participants to introduce themselves by sharing the icebreaker information on the slide. Review necessary administration requirements and housekeeping details regarding rest rooms, break information, use of cell phones, etc.
Old CBAR example
New CBAR Still Excel Workbook Administered by Chapter Development Subcommittee (CDS) Metrics broken down by month New point system (0,1,2,3) Balanced Scorecard format More evidence of activities required Radar charts to show strengths and weaknesses Better aligned with the Strategic Planning Chapter Leadership Handbook Review instructor responsibilities. Stress that you have prepared the session with the group in mind and that you depend upon their participation and feedback to adapt the materials to meet the group’s needs.
How to Use the New CBAR Ideally, summer planning session Share previous year’s CBAR with board Create projected CBAR with board Discuss weaknesses and resources Share documents with board & review throughout the year Utilize timeline in CBAR Handbook 6.0 (C-Box)