Saints or Sinners?
Without being offensive… (try not to be at least…) I will quickly show you slides that contain an image that represents a GROUP/TYPE… AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE you will record either: SAINT or SINNER Base your response off of your gut feelings… think about the stereotypes that you have come to have throughout your personal life experiences
After Thinking About These Different Groups/Types… Did any of these slides inspire you for your research essay topic? Write down 3 possible groups/stereotypes that you would consider researching A. B. C.
What is your purpose for researching? Explore a modern stereotype and discover whether or not the members of this “group” fulfill or dispel the moral/ethical/anticipated actions placed upon them in our current society. Ground your “Chauceresque” exposé in relevant evidence that reveals whether or not this group lives up to the figurative title of “saint” or “sinner” (or somewhere in between). After providing background knowledge on the initial stereotypes placed on this group/organization/gender etc. … present the evidence you have found and discuss WHY it is important for the general public to be made aware of the results of your research.
Essay Requirements: Avoid “I”/ First Person Minimum of 4 reliable sources used (2 from the approved databases) All sources must be have been published between 2006-current Avoid contractions/informal language No spelling errors/typos/conventional errors allowed (EDIT) Follows the 4 paragraph outline A minimum of 4 in-text citations are PRESENT and ACCURATE Avoid fallacies (avoid phrases like “ALL BANKS ARE BAD…” unless your research can support your statement) Present tense
Let’s Talk About It Questions about the assignment? Is anyone willing to share their ideas for research topics?
Topic to Question Before you start looking for sources you MUST create a focused research question (inspired by the topic you would like to explore) Example topic: Banks Example RQ: Do big banks act with the best interests of their clients in mind? (After identifying this RQ- a researcher would then go and find sources that explore the history of banks… how they profit… when they have wronged customers…when they have benefited customers. They will discover whether or not the data supports the stereotypes associated with BANKS. ) The combination of information gathered from your sources will guide you towards answering your research question (and becoming more informed about your topic)!