Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) General information Note by the secretariat Informal document GRPE-77-04 77th GRPE, 6–8 June 2018 Agenda item 1 Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) General information Participants/Address list A provisional address list has been prepared: please check your contact data (especially the email-address) and correct them, if necessary If your name is not listed, fill out one of the registration forms annexed to the file At the end of the session, we will circulate the list of participants by email Tax free petrol coupons For delegates of Contracting Parties: as usual, tax free petrol coupons are available Please fill in the details requested and return them to the secretariat A copy of the Passport and the Car Registration papers are needed for this purpose Next session The next (78th) session will be held on 8-11 January 2019 The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 16 October 2018