Bernard Marshall Chief Technical Officer KE Software EMu 4.0.03 (and beyond!) Bernard Marshall Chief Technical Officer KE Software
Overview EMu 4.0.03 (11 May 2011) EMu 4.0.04 (Feb 2012) And beyond
EMu 4.0.03
IMu – EMu Internet Framework 4.0.03 New framework for EMu web development Three tiered model Extensible application server for middle tier (logic level) Application server supports EMu object model (luts, security, etc.) Supports record updates and insertions Multiple client-side libraries: PHP Perl .Net Java Supports searching across multiple modules
IMu – EMu Internet Framework 4.0.03 Presentation Layer Logic Layer Data Layer Web Application IMu Library IMu Application Server EMu Database Server Client-side library User application Object model Object security Business logic Extensible Data model Data security
IMu Web Client 4.0.03 Internet/Intranet interface to EMu collection Web 2.0 based components (e.g. auto-complete) Theme-able client pages MVC setup (XML -> XSLT -> HTML) Collection List Management Displays results from multiple modules Customisable interface via XSLT
IMu Multimedia Service 4.0.03 HTTP based web service (can embed in web pages) Extension to IMu application server to provide access to Multimedia Repository Request dynamic generation of images with given format and size Request metadata associated with media Allow import of new images and update of existing images Imported images have resolutions generated automatically (as per EMu client)
OAI Web Service 4.0.03 HTTP based web service implementing the OAI 2.0 protocol Allows EMu to act as an OAI repository for OAI harvesters Publish data (OAI set) from any module via TexQL statement Provide Dublin Core metadata Allows for other metadata formats (e.g. XMP, etc.) Supports paging of result set
Support For Multiple Groups 4.0.03 A user may be registered in multiple groups Only one group is active at any given time Each open module is associated with a group New modules are created in the active group Mechanism provided to allow user to switch active group Command Centre reflects access for the user’s active group Security is based on the module’s group (e.g. RLS, column access, etc.)
Security – Certificates/Encryption 4.0.03 X509 Certificate based authentication at login Encryption of all traffic between client and server (SSL/TLS v1.0) Validation of server name in certificate with wildcard support Support provided by TexAPI, TexJDBC and Security can be optional or mandatory
Read-Only Client Support 4.0.03 Registry entry provides per module or system-wide setting for: Read/write access Read-only system (Registry, audit still writeable) Complete read-only system Read-Only control can be set on the following basis: System Group User
Exhibition Objects 4.0.03 New module sitting between Catalogue and Events modules Used to track per object information throughout the exhibition, including: Installation information Changeovers Maintenance schedule Section details (location in exhibition) Records are created automatically when an object is added to an exhibition Track status of object within exhibition (proposed, selected, etc.) History of object use for exhibitions
Field Help Display 4.0.03 Displays the help text for the current field Text configurable via Field Help module “Look and Feel” changeable via CSS (emufh.css) Help display area resizable
Schedule Internal Movements 4.0.03 Internal movement type added to Movements module Internal Movements can be scheduled as though they are external movements Objects may be relocated automatically when Date Moved updated Useful for scheduling movements of objects between off-site storage facilities
Pest Management Modules 4.0.03 Two new modules added: Traps - records information about the types and locations of traps used to capture pests Trap Events - records information about what was found in a trap at a given date and time A comprehensive set of reports provides graphical data about the prevalence of pests
Edit Multimedia Media 4.0.03 Start up registered editor on temporary copy of media file Asked whether to re-import if media altered Also checks for files with same name but different file extension All resolutions regenerated All metadata re-extracted
Attachment Shortcuts 4.0.03 Create a record in another module linked to current record Selected or all objects added to created record Used for: Events -> Conservation, Events -> Loans Loans -> Conservation, Loans -> Movements Movements -> Conservation
ICS Support For Notifications 4.0.03 Notification system generates iCalendar (ics) of upcoming dates File can be imported into: Google Calendar IBM Lotus Notes Apple iCal Microsoft Outlook Upgrade Metadata Standards 4.0.03 Provide support for IPTC version 1.1 (July 2009) Provide support for XMP December 2008 review
Reverse Scheduling Of Tasks 4.0.03 Completion and start dates of each task can be computed by specifying the overall completion date Read-Only Records In List View 4.0.03 Read-only records/data displayed with black text on grey background
Link From Conservation To Movements 4.0.03 Associated Movement added to Conservation module Movement -> Loan -> Event hierarchy auto filled
Drag And Drop On Archive Tab 4.0.03 Current record may be relocated by dragging to new parent For user defined ordering: asked for position relative to where record was dropped
Image Quality For JPEG 2000 4.0.03 Image quality may be specified when resolutions generated manually May also be specified for automatic resolutions Number between 1 and 100 (100 = lossless)
emusecurity Run Automatically 4.0.03 New Audit filter monitors the following changes to Registry: Addition of a new user Deletion of an existing user Changing the group(s) of an existing user Altering security via the Security Registry entry No need to run emusecurity when changes made to permissions
EMu 4.0.04
Supplementary Media 4.0.04 Associated electronic media may be stored in Multimedia record For example: A cropped version of master image for web use An audio/video describing the creation of the media A Word document about the media Supplementary media operations supported: Create from master View Import Save Edit Print Similar layout to Resolutions tab
Supplementary Media 4.0.04 Usage and Notes fields per media entry File names of media preserved Media may be imported/reported via Supplementary_tab column Media stored in supplementary directory under master media Media available in IMu via supplementary column in Multimedia module Supplementary media is not for media important in its own right
Password Management 4.0.04 Change password from within EMu Can be disabled via Registry entry
Password Management 4.0.04 Password management provides (Unix only): Password ageing Account locking Force password change Lock after failed retries Valid password checks
Field Selection Improvements 4.0.04 Field selection uses a separate dialogue box (ala report field selection dialogue box) Prompt or column name selection, with Tab name column (ala Find a Prompt dialogue box) New mode to allow field selection from modules: Click on field to select it Follow attachments to linked modules Selected fields in Properties dialogue to use same layout as field selection dialogue box Shortcut to create New… resources (e.g. Report, List Setting)
Double click to add
Global Replace Improvements 4.0.04 Global Replace to work like other resources (e.g. Reports) Global Replace patterns saved in Registry with security Field selection improvements used to select field(s) Ability to move data between fields Run in “unattended” mode for large updates
System Maintenance Improvements 4.0.04 Remove need for Lookup List rebuilds Overnight reindexing of tables only for those with a minimum number of changes Parallel processing of reindexing Only run full reindex on tables with sufficient deletions (weekly) Dynamic adjustment of loadmemory for reindexing
IMu Mapper Support 4.0.04 Add extension to IMu application server to provide spatial data Update client libraries with spatial API Integrate mapping functionality into IMu web client Allow results from web client search to be mapped
And Beyond
Communications Layer Network service for sharing data across different institutions A central data aggregator (portal): Searches EMu based institutions Searches external data sources (e.g. GBIF) Ranks results and produces aggregated record Provides results via RDF to EMu client Notifies clients of record updates (EMu only) Data results may be copied and/or linked into EMu record Updates for linked data available Non-local data highlighted
Presentation Layer Logic Layer Data Layer Web Browser EMu Source EMu Client Data Browser Data Aggregator EMu Source IMu Update Service Parallel searches Merge results Rank matches Aggregate data Notify changes External Source Fetch and view matches Copy/Link records/data Update processing Data model Data security
Modify Image Metadata Allow EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata to be updated in master image Provide a Global Replace facility to update the same field over many records (e.g. update Copyright field on a set of records) Allow metadata to be propagated to image resolutions Allow resolution metadata to be modified independently of master image
Alerts Module Uses audit trail to monitor all changes to records Module contains profiles that are matched against the audit stream A profile match will trigger an alert Email specified user(s) SMS particular people Create a log of the alert Cause popup notification on user(s) machines Call an arbitrary script to handle the event
Drag/Drop Media Via Drop Zone Provide a drop zone on desktop for adding media to Multimedia Repository Allow right-click context menu option to add media Media ingestion to be handled by IMu Multimedia server Addition of multiple media files per operation
Drag/Drop Multiple Documents Extend client to allow multiple media files to be dropped into Multimedia Repository for ingestion Allow multiple thumbnails to be selected and dragged to other media components
Other Bits And Pieces Develop support for multiple search “tabs” in IMu web client Extend IMu Mapper to allow multiple search results to be mapped simultaneously Complete conversion of client controls to be Unicode aware Complete support for Unicode in server