LO: To assess the Communist advance Into Eastern Europe Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to… Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A*
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* Task: Once you have written Your title and date…
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* By the time of the German surrender in May 1945, much of Eastern Europe was In Soviet hands. Problems at Yalta and Potsdam. Pro-Communist regimes Were installed. Elections were held, but With the implicit threat Of force and imprisonment. Stalin believed that Communism and capitalism Were incompatible. War between the ideologies Was inevitable. Iron Curtain speech was Exciting war.
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* Changes made in Eastern Europe - COMECON set up to integrate economies - Integration sets in full 1959. - Five Year Plans established. - Centralised Economies. - Collectivisation of Agriculture. Soviet ambassadors interventionist Warsaw Pact 1955 equipment shared Russia heavily interferes in Eastern Bloc Bilateral treaties set up which forced Ban on joining hostile alliances Mutual defence agreement Recognition of equality and sovereignty
Yugoslavia LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* Yugoslavia - Yugoslavia a relatively new Country dating from 1920 Wanted to create a strong National identity. 1945 elections result in a Communist Marshall Tito being Installed. Tito had significant public Support due to WW2 actions. Wished to consolidate Yugoslav Autonomy. Tito objected to the over-centralisation of Stalinist government. Stalin expelled Yugoslavia from Coniform in 1948. Withdrew economic and military support. Stalin hoped for A destabilising rapid decline. Then could step in to “restore order” Tito strengthens economic relations with the West. Got financial aid from the IMF. Workers councils took control of industry. Communes looked after health etc. Yugoslav model leaned toward capitalism. Tito kept tight control of minorities…
Czechoslovakia LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* Czechoslovakia Also a new and multinational state in 1920. Free elections held in 1946, mainly left Wing government elected. Government initially friendly to West. Sudden communist military coup 1948. Losing public support Non-communists not cooperating Had control of police and military Russian support. Stalin worried over American “Dollar Imperalism”. New elections held in May 1948 – Rigged! Voting list was all communist. Masaryk “Third Defenstration of Prague” Elected candidates forced to carry out Policies approved by Russian government. Leads to setting up of NATO. Heightened political tensions with West.
Hungary LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* Hungary Hungary under Admiral Horthy closely allied with Nazi Germany. Free elections held! Communists gain 1/5 of votes But dominate ruling cabinet. Some Communists opposed Stalin These were tortured and killed. Hungary repressed by Communist Leader Matyas Rakosi. Moderate Imre Nagy installed, but He is overthrown, an uprising grows. Large demonstrations in Budapest 1956. Khrushchev sends in 30,000 troops. Nagy reinstalled, but wants to leave Warsaw pact, sees Khrushchev as liberal. Troops sent back into Hungary, worry that Russian power is on the wane (Suez) . West reluctant to intervene, Khrushchev Proves toughness, China supports. Nagy replaced
Germany (GDR) LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A* Germany (GDR) Four power control zones established in 1946 USSR wanted tough Denazification and reparations Stalin demands whole of Germany by 1946. 1947 “Bizonia” proposed. Hope to link Rus and Fr USSR wanted united Germany which they could Then influence. Deutschmark introduced in West, Ostmark in East. 1948 Blockade of Berlin lasts until Jan 1949. 8000 tonnes of goods a day. Stalin lifts blockade In exchange for talks which agree little. 1953 demonstrations against work qoutas and Conditions result in 50 killed. Described as “Fascist Coup”. August 1961 Berlin Wall built. Had been Flow of 3 million from East to West. Constant labour and industrial drives. Competition with the West. Collectivisation and 5 and 7 year plans.
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A*
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A*
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A*
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A*
LO: To assess the Communist advance in Eastern Europe Describe the key case studies E-D Explain how the Soviets met their aims C-B Compare and contrast with Asia A-A*