Rockin’ Field Trip! Geology 12 – May 25/26 2009 to Mastodon Ridge, Springhill Mine, Parrsboro, Fundy Geological Museum, Tyson’s Mineral Shop
Pink ladies at Mastodon Ridge!
Move on over Fred, these ladies are taking over the wheel!
Some awesome cloud formations (and a mini lesson from Mrs Some awesome cloud formations (and a mini lesson from Mrs. Webb) during the drive northbound!
The Springhill Mining Disaster
Attentive audience...
The rescue gear... (those goggles and nose plugs blow my mind!)
Getting ready to head down into the depths!
What a lovely view you have here...
Back above ground again!
The Crew at Joggins...lovin it and leavin it
Some of our cool finds...
A random assortment of rocks on the beach (with my feet A random assortment of rocks on the beach (with my feet... And yes, maybe a heart in there too)
Some other cool finds.. And yes those are my winter gloves... hahaha
Cold, damp, and empty handed - but still smiling! Most of us are anyway...ha ha