Chi Epsilon Active Meeting #2 Thursday, October 19, 2017 PLEASE SIGN IN
XE Intramurals Contact Natalie and Alan to sign up! Current: Upcoming: Handball Volleyball Upcoming: Dodgeball (sign up by 10/23) Contact Natalie and Alan to sign up! or
Volunteer opportunities Boo at the Zoo - Next week W-F - Columbian Park Zoo Winterization - 8:30am on Saturday November 11th - Saint Thomas Aquinas Church - Sign up for the Chi Epsilon group! (Wave 2)
Tutoring Changes are being made… Please review what you signed up for - Instead of pairing individuals, moving to groups or study tables - Check (and respond to) your emails! Please review what you signed up for
Mandatory Semester Events Active Meeting #3 - Thursday, November 9th @ 6:00 pm - TBD XE Initiation - Sunday, November 12th @ 4:00 pm - STEW 206
XE Officer Positions Spring Semester Social Chair Editor Webmaster Election will take place during Active Meeting #3 Submit nominations at GYUuS-1hxEKtujtMOfrXnXPgm6UtvQYw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Faculty advisor re-election According to the XE Handbook: 4.4.3 Remember that the FA should be officially elected every two- years. The FA should be selected by the students and not by the Department Head or other university official.
What’s Next After Active Meeting Next Week Upcoming - XE Social @ Jakes Roadhouse Next Week - Boo at the Zoo (10/25-27) Upcoming - Pledge Board Signing (11/7 – 11/8)
Misc. T-Shirts! Guest Speakers and Site Visits Resume Book - If you have an idea for a t-shirt design, please send it to Guest Speakers and Site Visits - Know someone? We’d love to hear about it! Resume Book - Please continue sending us your resumes
Chi Epsilon – Purdue University Thank You