learning for living images, ideas and action images, ideas and action to help you to… > examine how we frame action > see how ‘images’ shape what we do > expand the range of ideas we use > examine wider possibilities for partnership > see why this is now necessary DVT 13 images, ideas and action updated 2/11/09 this PowerPoint at: www.hihohiho.com/ magazine/mkngtwork/cafimages.ppt
images, ideas and action www.hihohiho.com/magazine/mkngtwork/cafimages.pdf
images, ideas and action do we do this? thinking about? rather than? so we do this? protecting professionalism career-development expertise career-management experience re-positioning professionalism framing by policy top-down indicators up-close realities engaging creative people showing impact maintenance for survival diagnosis for reform making good use of bad news aligning to recruitment performance for employability learning for well-being committing to life-wide quality-of-life for positioning as if career were a race for discovering as if career were a journey handout at: www.hihohiho.com/magazine/mkngtwork/cafsellby.pdf
images, ideas and action for the environment for advancement for the developing world for looking good in selection for volunteering & giving for applying for recruitment for shopping for home life for skills & qualifications for well-being for employability www.hihohiho.com/magazine/mkngtwork/caffrmwrk.pdf
images, ideas and action action for positioning as if career were a race action for discovering as if career were a journey in contemporary conditions what action is better . . . > adapted to changing conditions? > shaped to enable people to claim membership of their society? > for writing a cv which is full and interesting? > in recounting a story that your children and grandchildren will want to tell and retell?
images, ideas and action? sitting? - on a wall? - waiting for the king’s men? - and horses?
finding hope here? . . . examine how we frame action helping you to . . . . . . examine how we frame action . . . see how ‘images’ shape what we do . . . expand the range of ideas we use . . . examine wider partnership possibilities . . . see why this is now necessary yes/no if ‘yes’ - glad it’s been useful if ‘no’ - you could tell Bill why at www.hihohiho.com the ppt… www.hihohiho.com/magazine/mkngtwork/cafimages.ppt more on metaphor… www.hihohiho.com/magazine/mkngtwork/cafimages.pdf help colleagues… copy-and-paste urls into an e-mail hihiho alerts… e-mail ‘yes’ to bill@hihohiho.com news and updates… www.twitter.com/billaw