REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project State Level Support - Amapá Sergio Milheiras, ONFI 11th December 2013 2nd Steering Committee, Macapá
Background This list results of 3 different meetings with Claudia Funi (SEMA), Lana Oliveira (Head of Department, Ecosystem Services, IEF), Luis Lopes (Head of Department, Geoprocessing, IEF). The list provides only an indication of the activities the institutions contacted consider as useful to their work and fitting with the project possibilities. Only activities that are within the frame of the project REDD+ Guiana Shield were considered. Additional activities will be considered for the work on Capacity Building and Technology Transfer Plan within the Project
List of suggested activities - SEMA Validation of land-use and land cover maps Context: SEMA has currently access to Rapid-Eye images and is proceeding with field work for validation, which would benefit from technical guidance. Possible concrete actions: ONFI provides technical assistance (1 man-day) and encourages articulation with other countries in the region that are already doing validation with rapid-eye Processing of remote sensing images Context: Rapid-eye images will be used for the first time in the State. It is particularly relevant to implement methods that allow a effective distinction between different levels of land use change and degradation. SEMA is also developing an updated and more refined map of land use in the state using LandSat images which would benefit from similar work. Possible concrete actions: ONFI provides technical assistance (3-5 man-days) Reaching an adjustment factor for REL based on analysis of drivers of deforestation Context: The state is developing a forest reference emission level. SEMA will do this based on historical data, plus an adjustment factor. Technical support would be useful to determine the best way to reach this adjustment factor. Possible concrete actions: ONFI provides technical assistance (3 man-days)
List of suggested activities - SEMA Development of state competencies Context: There is a list of possible capacity building sessions SEMA considers useful. The list includes proposed sessions on: PCI software; applied geotechnology for the definition of thematic classes of land use; ArcGIS Desktop Extensions: Spacial Analyst, 3D Analyst and Geostatistical; Envi 100/200/250; software on image treatment/processing; software on data base management Possible concrete actions: ONFI supports the development of state competencies through technical support and expertise, if the topic is not included in capacity building work predicted in the Project. Other suggestions?
List of suggested activities - IEF Geoprocessing Department Capacity building sessions Context: IEF is responsible for different programs and projects that generate a large amount of data (tables, reports, figures, georeferenced data) and requires a database for storing, indexing and management of this information. Therefore IEF is interested in developing its capacities in PostgreSQL, which it considers the most advanced open source database management system. Possible concrete actions: ONFI supports the development of state competencies through technical support and expertise, if the topic is not included in capacity building work predicted in the Project. Ecosystem Services department No activities were identified until the moment, but will be considered in future planning of the department Other suggestions?
MERCI / THANK YOU / DANK U / OBRIGADO Photo credit: ONF Guyane