Media distribution at your fingertips IPTV Video distribution and digital media signage >>
What we do >Leaders in IPTV and video delivery systems >Designed and manufactured by UK industry leader >Distributing content to any screen across an organisation >Installed in over 2,500 sites, across 30 countries >From plasma screens in the boardroom to touch-screen controllers in the hands of your consumer, MediaStar has the capabilities to reach more people than ever before
Distribute your media… …to the right people, in the right place, at the right time
IPTV and Digital Media Headend >A simple, powerful IP based solution for TV/AV content distribution >Works straight-out-the box to stream content over current and future networks >Distributes your message to more people than ever before, with pin point targeting >Schedule your media to control who view your content and when Revolutionise the way you communicate with MediaStar Evolution.
Software Introduction Easy to use, our administration software is broken down into three simple steps. Installation Step One Administration Step Two Scheduling Step Three
InstallationAdministration Scheduling Step One >Auto detects all hardware >Allocates all TV and video >Set up a media library Set up wizard – source devices
Step One Set up wizard – source devices >Change the decoder name and personalise >Group multiple decoders InstallationAdministration Scheduling
Step Two >Choose any media source >Drag onto the selection area >Status of media shown by colour indicators Select your media source InstallationAdministration Scheduling
Step Two >Identify and group decoders >Drag onto the selection area >Decoder availability shown by coloured indicators Select decoders InstallationAdministration Scheduling
Step Three >Identify new playlist >Drag and trim media and controls into timeline >Drag new or existing onto decoder or decoder group Schedule your media content Manage time Schedule, daily, weekly & monthly InstallationAdministration Scheduling
What do you get?
Right content to...
…the right audience, at the right time!
>> Already benefiting