Employment Requirements In Licensed States Lee Bechtel, CAE, CL Bechtel & Associates AmSECT Government Relations Director May 1, 2010
Employment Requirements In Licensed States www. amsect Employment Requirements In Licensed States www.amsect.org/sections/members/grc/ Licensed In 16 States and Credentialed in 17 A Graduate Can Work In Any of these States, except Connecticut, under a Provisional or Temporary License Illinois ~ a graduate can pump cases under a “graduate” category for 2 years, or 50 cases Pending amendment
Graduate works under the supervision of a licensed perfusionist Supervisor is required to accept assignment, document, and file with graduate license application Time limit on how long a Graduate can work ~ 1 year renewals to 3 years ~ Forever in one State unless changed All are linked with passing ABCP exam
In general, Graduates allowed to take and fail ABCP exam 2 times under a probationary or temporary license There are exceptions Missouri, life time cap on taking and passing All current State credentialing laws and Regulations except one require sitting and passing examination to be fully licensed Licensing body has discretion when renewing or reinstating a probationary license when any part of the two part test is failed
Certification test results are shared with the licensing body for the purpose of renewing a probationary/ temporary license When either part of certification exam is failed, immediate surrender is required for review Majority of members on a perfusionist licensing body are CCP/licensed perfusionists Accepted axiom that 30% of first time test takers fail In 2009 average on both was 27% AmSECT Model Licensing legislation took examination process into account when developed in conjunction with the ABCP
Other members of the OR team must first pass certification before being granted a license “Cases pumped” requirement is unique to other medical professions Probationary licenses are unique among all of the different State regulated medical professions When deciding on a job in a Licensed State, investigate probationary/temporary license requirements Then prepare & pass examinations
You Are Now Certified Maintaining a State license All 16 licensed States require proof of CME to renew a State license Licensing bodies recognize the same CME hours to maintain ABCP certification for license renewal ABCP CME documentation used by licensed person for State license renewal. ABCP Case pump records are not
Mass. Missouri and No. Carolina ~ require maintaining ABCP certification to renew a license. Licensing is mandatory ~ Certification voluntary. Two Gold Star Standard Licensed perfusionists have grown from 0% to over 50% over 15 years Certification & recertification has increased State Malpractice Liability Protection State laws ~ amsect.org/sections/members/grc/ Thank you for your attention ~ Questions?