Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples HV, LV & DCS status I.N.F.N. Naples Barrel and Endcap projects High Voltage Low Voltage Detector Control System Cabling and routing Rack and Crate Schedule, status and cost F. Loddo2, P. Paolucci1, P. Passeggio1, A. Ranieri2 ,L. Roscilli1 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples HV & LV numbers I.N.F.N. Naples Reduction of HV 1020 480 ch LV 1560 960 ch 1 HV ch. per chamber 2 LV ch. per chamber 6 FEBs / 2 bi-gaps 6+6+6 FEBs / 3 bi-gaps 1+1 HV 1 HV 2 LV 6+6 FEBs / 2 bi-gaps 12 LV channels 8 HV channels per wheel TOT gaps 408 2040 HV 96 480 FEBs 936 4680 LV 144 720 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples HV & LV schema I.N.F.N. Naples Control Room LV ch. 720 LV baords 60 EASY 20 HV ch. 480 HV boards 80 12 SY1527 HV distributor HV-EASY HV distributor HV-EASY Detector 3 4 RPC LV RPC LV 2 5 1 6 12 7 11 8 RPC LV RPC LV 10 9 HV 4-polar cable LV cable HV 10x4-polar cable panel HV panel HV 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
HV connections schema I.N.F.N. Naples 11/17/2018
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples LV connections schema I.N.F.N. Naples 60 LV boards placed in 20 crates (1 per balcony) Power consumption: board (12 ch.) 116 W crate (3 boards.) 350 W wheel (4 crates) 1.4 KW Total 7.0 KW 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples HV: where we are I.N.F.N. Naples High Voltage: The power supply tender has been assigned to the CAEN; A complete prototype will be delivered in Sept 04 and will be test in Naples using the RB3 chamber that is working in Naples in the cosmic test station. The” small” 4-polar cables (from chamber to patch panel) have been delivered at CERN; The “big” multi-conductors cables tender has to be redone as soon as possible; The tripolar and coaxial connectors have been delivered to Naples; A first HV distributor prototype has been build in Naples. Now is under test; A first HV patch panel is almost ready; 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
HV distributor and patch panel I.N.F.N. Naples Patch Panel 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples HV & LV cable drawings I.N.F.N. Naples 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples LV: where we are I.N.F.N. Naples Low Voltage: A power supply quotation inquiry was made by CERN for CMS in July 04; A LV PS prototype will be delivered in Sept 04 and will be tested in Naples; The power supply will be ordered in Sept 04 and delivered from Dec 04 to Dec 05; The cables have been delivered at CERN; The connectors have been delivered at CERN; The cable production will be done at the ISR when the cable length list will be officially published by the DT-RPC team (CERN-TO-PD-NA) 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
HV and LV cost estimation 2003 I.N.F.N. Naples The total costs of the systems are calculated using a spreadsheet having as inputs the following items: number of: connectors, cables, patch panels, boards, crates, controllers and mainframes cable length and installation costs cost of each of those items GRI may 03 slide Estimated cost is 670 K€ CORE is 900 FS or 600 K€ 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples HV and LV costs 2004 I.N.F.N. Naples Hardware Equipment Cabling TOT HV 300 (was 250) K€ 140 K€ 60 K€ 500 K€ LV 230 (was 190) K€ 14 K€ 16 K€ 260 K€ 2003 est. cost 2004 est. cost core Extra cost HV 450 K€ 500 K€ 50 K€ LV 220 K€ 260 K€ 150 K€ 110 K€ The total cost of the HV & LV systems is 760 K€; The 2004 increase (80 K€) is due to the hardware cost; 10% of the total cost is due to the cable installation. 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
HV and LV estimated costs table I.N.F.N. Naples
HV & LV actual costs table I.N.F.N. Naples 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
RPC DCS overview The RPC Detector Control System schema HV LV temp FEB I.N.F.N. Naples The RPC Detector Control System schema RPC Barrel DCS HV LV temp FEB Gas Cooling From other DCS node 12 crates 80 boards 480 ch. 20 crates 60 boards 720 ch. 300 sensors 10 ADC About 5000 FEBs 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples DCS status overview I I.N.F.N. Naples HV - 480 channels (80 boards) placed in the 16 crates; Tender is started in December 03 and is finished on May 04 Easy Prototype in July 04; Prototype Test in Naples/ISR from Sept 04; 20% of the system in Dec 04; Board test at CERN from Jan 05; Full system in Sept 05; Installation and commissioning 06. LV - 720 channels (60 boards) placed in the 20 crates; CMS found a common solution; A3009 board with 12 ch., 2-8, V - 9A, 45 W, 5 boards/crate Tender at CERN 04; Full system available in Dec 05; 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples DCS status overview II I.N.F.N. Naples Temperature - 300 probes readout 10 ADC boards; 100 probes installed (on the chambers); 250 probes ready at the assembling sites; An ADC/DAC board with 128 ch. is under design for ATLAS & CMS by the CAEN company; The board will be integrate in the EASY crate; Prototype and test in the 2004; Full production in the 2005. Front-end - 4680 Front End Boards 800 Link boards in 60 crates Control/monitor width, threshold and temperature monitor the RPC/FEB performances (occupancy, rate, noise….) Racks and crates, gas, cooling and ventilation: will be developed using a common solution/tools for the CMS sub-detectors. 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples DCS connection Schema I.N.F.N. Naples Control Room SY1527 20 Bus lines 12 Bus lines HV distrib HV EASY LV + Temp LB crate Detector LV + Temp LB crate 300 Optical fibers @ 1.6 Gbit/s LV + Temp LB crate LV + Temp LB crate 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples DCS cost estimation I.N.F.N. Naples Temperature: T Sensors 300 * 4 € 1.2 K€; Chamber cable 0.6 Km * 0.5 €/m 0.3 K €; ADC cable 8 Km * 0.5 €/m 4.0 K €; ADC cable inst 8 Km * 3 €/m 24 K€; Cham Connect. 300 * 0.4 € 0.12 K €; ADC Connect. 600 * 0.4 € 0.24 K €; ADC boards 10 * 2000 € 20 K€; FEB – I2C: I2C cable 6 Km * 5 €/m 30 K€; I2C connector 780 * 2 * 0.4€ 0.7 K€; I2C cable inst. 6 Km * 3 €/m 18 K€; ~ 50 K € ~ 49 K € Cost ~ 110 K€ (42 K€ for cabling and 10 KE for infrastructure) Core = 67 K€ extra cost of 43 K € 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples Conclusions…….. I.N.F.N. Naples The reduced schema (80 boards one HV channel per chamber) has been chosen for the HV system in order to: Keep the DT-RPC ground schema (crucial point); Have independent voltage for every chamber. The HV tender has been assigned to the CAEN: HV board: 3500 € (2003) 3500 €; EASY crate: 1000 € (2003) 950 €; Branch Ctrl: 1000 € (2003) 850 €; SY1527: 10000 € (2003) 8500 €; The cost of the HV is 500 K€ extra cost of 50 K€ The LV PS costs are known: No reductions The cost of the LV is 250 K€ extra cost of 105 K€ The cost of the DCS is 110 K€ extra cost of 67 K€ The cost of the DCS system is reasonable for a detector based on: more than 1000 gas gaps, 1200 HV-LV channels and about 80K electronic channel 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples
Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples Summary I.N.F.N. Naples Cost Core Extra-cost HV 500 (60*) K€ 450 K€ 50 K€ LV 260 (16*) K€ 150 K€ 110 K€ DCS 110 (42*) K€ 67 K€ 43 K€ TOT 870 (118*) K€ 667 K€ 203 K€ * cable installation (5 CHF/mt) 118 K€ out of the total extra cost of 203 K€ is due to the cable installation. This cost was not well known at the time of the RPC project definition. 11/17/2018 Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. Naples