1-9 on paper… 1 – What are Aquinas’ primary precepts? 4 – According to Natural Moral Law, what makes actions wrong? 7 – What is proportionalism? 2 – What is antinomianism? 5 – List three of the 6 fundamental principles. 8 – Give one argument for Situation Ethics. 3 – What is the difference between Act and Rule utilitarianism? 6 – What is Lovelock’s position on the environment? 9 – Give one Bible teaching that supports racial equality.
Add up your scores: Questions 1, 4 and 7 get 1 mark (last lesson) Questions 2, 5 and 8 get 2 marks (last topic) Questions 3, 6 and 9 get 3 marks (last term/last year) Now set yourself an ethics revision target for this week.
Objectives Revise Natural Moral Law Compare it with other ethical theories Evaluate its strengths and weaknesses
Compare & contrast NML with other ethical theories
Strengths and Weaknesses of NML
Evaluate the claim that Natural Moral Law is not an appropriate method of moral decision-making in the 21st Century (30 marks- make links)
Objectives Revise Natural Moral Law Compare it with other ethical theories Evaluate its strengths and weaknesses