Types of Therapy Biomedical therapy Psychotherapy Drugs Surgery Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Psychotherapy Psychoanalysis Humanistic Therapies Behavior Therapies Cognitive Therapies Group Therapies
Types of Therapy Goal of Biomedical Therapy Restore proper neurotransmitter function, balance amount and type of neurotransmitters present in brain Neurotransmitters start the action potential – responsible for thinking, emotions, muscle movement, hearing, seeing, memory, stress reactions, etc.
Normal Depressed
Normal OCD
Psychoanalysis (Freud) Goals Confront disturbing thoughts, socially unacceptable desires, immoral urges Relieve stress that is causing the disorder by gaining understanding of unconscious Methods Analyze content of: dreams, free associations, resistance, transference Benefits Anxiety, somatoform, dissociative disorders
Behavioral (Watson, Skinner) Goals Change (unlearn) problem behavior and increase desirable behavior using learning techniques Methods Classical & operant conditioning, systematic desensitization, aversion therapy, flooding, modeling, reinforcement, extinction Benefits Phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, quitting substances, PTSD
Cognitive (Beck, Ellis) Goals Change distorted thinking that leads to maladaptive behavior, develop coping strategies Methods Test unrealistic beliefs, challenge negative self-statements, make behavior plans Benefits Mood, stress, eating, anxiety, personality, and some schizophrenia disorders
Humanistic (Rogers, Perls) Goals Align “real self” with “ideal self” Insight into personal choices and how to change behavior Methods Reflection, unconditional positive regard, empathy, authenticity Benefits Life choices, marriage counseling
Interpersonal Goals Methods Benefits Ease interpersonal disputes, role transitions, grief, interpersonal deficits Identify stress in life events, family, home, workplace, friendship patterns Methods Clarification, role playing, communication analysis, encouraging affect, problem- solving techniques Benefits Mood, stress, anxiety, and eating disorders
Group Therapies Family counseling Self-help groups