Welcome to the Arrowhead PTA Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Arrowhead PTA Meeting November 7, 2017

School Pool Brett Schock – City of Kenmore

2018 Bond & Levies Lydia Sellie, Executive director of Business Services and Carolyn O'Keeffe, Deputy Superintendent

Words from the School Jesse Harrison, Principal

Grade Level Updates Ellie Swanson, Kindergarten

Fall Fundraiser Update Total received in hand - $17,184 Expected Matching - $5,110 Total so far - $22,294

Budget Updates - September Checking Balance:  $18,462.02 September Expense:  $2,264.45 Money Market Balance:  $25,094.05 $531.99 Staff funds $400 Welcome Back Night Total Checking & Money Market:  $43,556.07 $397.63 PTA Admin   $383 Membership Dues $264.50 Popcorn Expense September Income:  $3,506.58 $250 prior year expense (staff funds) $2,810.02 Membership Dues (restricted funds) $32.33 Communications $650 Fundraising $5 bank fee $43.76 Donation $2.80 Interest

Membership Update Currently at 319 members Goal is 411

Safety/Security Emergency Preparedness Supplies WATCH D.O.G.S. Survey of the container and classrooms conducted last Spring Discuss prioritized list WATCH D.O.G.S. Startup Kit ($450) purchased

Safety & Emergency Preparedness Requests for 2017-18 Time Location Item Quantity Unit Cost Cost Comments Fall 2017 Container Container Emergency Food & Water (1/5 Annually) 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Need to maintain supply with 5 year shelf-life Propane for Generator (Fill tanks) 4 $ 15.00 $ 60.00 Validate all fuel tanks are full for 2017-18 Hand Saw $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Missing from container as of 2016-17 school year Shovel $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Classrooms Classroom Emergency Food (full refresh) 500 $ 1.00 In-classroom food needed for Shelter In Place Batteries for current Lanterns (3 D per lantern) (full refresh) 120 $ 1.50 $ 180.00 Need full refresh of D cell batteries for 40 existing lanterns School WATCH D.O.G.S. Startup Kit $ 468.79 $ 468.79 Evaluation / Implementation Planning $ 1,753.79 Spring 2018 Additional LED Lanterns (takes 3 D cell batteries) 15 $ 30.00 $ 450.00 Need additional classroom lighting for power outage situations Batteries for Additional LED Lanterns (3 D Alkaline per lantern) 45 $ 67.50 Lithium Ion batteries not sold in D cell size - must use Alkaline AM/FM/NOAA Hand-Crank Radios (takes 3 AA batteries) 10 $ 60.00 $ 600.00 Need radios for emergency instruction during Shelter In Place Batteries for AM/FM/NOAA Radios (3 AA Li-Ion per radio) 30 $ 45.00 Lithium Ion batteries have greater power and will not corrode with temperature changes. Glow Sticks (Commercial Grade) (full refresh) Commercial Grade 12 hour Glow Sticks (1 per person) $ 1,662.50

Proposed Annual Sustainment Budget Time Location Item Quantity Unit Cost Cost Comments Annual Container Container Emergency Food & Water (1/5 Annually) 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Need to maintain supply with 5 year shelf-life Classrooms Classroom Emergency Food (1/2 Annually) 250 $ 1.00 $ 250.00 In-classroom food needed for Shelter In Place (2 year shelf-life) Batteries for 55 (40 current +15 additional) Lanterns (1/2 Annually) 82.5 $ 1.50 $ 123.75 D cell batteries for lanterns (replace Alkaline batteries bi-annually) Batteries for 10 AM/FM/NOAA Radios (1/2 Annually) 15 $ 22.50 Lithium Ion batteries have greater power and will not corrode with temperature changes. Glow Sticks (1/5 Annually) 100 $ 100.00 Commercial Grade 12 hour Glow Sticks (1 per person) $ 996.25

WATCH D.O.G.S. Program Overview The WATCH D.O.G.S. ® (Dads Of Great Students) program has 2 primary goals: To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. Who are WATCH D.O.G.S.? WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. ® school. What do WATCH D.O.G.S. do? During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. How does it work? The program kicks off with a Pizza Night for Dads and Kids, to introduce the program and have Dads sign up to come to school for a day. On their day, Dads show up at the school and receive their itinerary for the day. They spend half the day with their child and half in another classroom. Dads can sign up for a single day or more based on availability. Learn more at: http://dadsofgreatstudents.com

WATCH D.O.G.S. Testimonial From Arrowhead Parent Justin Bourn "Hi, this is Justin Bourn, father of Adeline and James Bourn. Last year when Adeline was in 1st grade at Moorlands Elementary, I volunteered as a Watch D.O.G. It was a great experience. It can be a one-day or multiple day opportunity for dads of Arrowhead students. It allows dads to be active at school, providing a positive role model for the kids, furthering their connection with the neighborhood kids you already know while showing everyone that you value their school. For my Watch D.O.G.S. day at Moorlands Elementary, I was able to participate in three classes throughout the day, help monitor the playground during the recesses, and even joined in with one physical education class and ran track with the kids. Since I was wearing the Watch D.O.G. badge throughout the day, students were very interested to know more about me and would continually walk up to me and ask whose dad I was, etc. It was a lot of fun. I cannot wait to do it again at Arrowhead Elementary where now both my kids attend."

Funding Requests 1. Emergency Preparedness - $1k 2. Professional Development - $5k 3. Books - $3,325 Additional priorities from teacher survey are: Alternative seating Math/STEM manipulatives

Upcoming Events for the Family Friday, November 10th – No School (Veteran’s Day) November 16 – 22nd – Half Day - Parent/Teacher Conferences November 27 & 28 – Healthy Hawks November 27 – December 1st – Book Fair and Toy Drive Friday, December 1st – Popcorn Friday December 18 – January 1st – Winter Break Friday, January 5th – Popcorn Friday Tuesday, January 9th – PTA Meeting Friday, January 12th – MLK Assembly Monday, January 15th – No School (MLK Day) Thursday, January 26th – Mid Winter Mixer Monday, January 29th – No School (Non-Student Day)

Remaining Open Positions Spring Fundraiser Hospitality All School BBQ Legislative Liaison Pancake Breakfast (currently 1 chair) May 18th - 20th – 104th WA State PTA Convention Science Fair Reflections Lego Club Grant Writer WE have 2 large fundraisers – fall and spring. Spring fundraiser is a pass the hat just like the fall fundraiser. Hawk Walk will no longer be the theme of the spring fundraiser but we will still have a hawk walk celebration because kids love it so much. Will need a parent to coordinate that day. Need a school safety chair - Liaison between city/county/school district and Arrowhead PTA regarding traffic/pedestrian/bicycle safety. Stride Trak – web based program that tracks steps and miles - purchased last year. Coach Miller needs a parent to help set it up and get it running. Legislative Liasion – stay informed on all legislative issues, sharing the news with the PTA and possibly attending one or two events throughout the year. Room parent description on next page.

Thank you!!! Next PTA Meeting Tuesday, January 9th - 6pm Thanks so much to Colleen Sheehan for all the work on the Fall Fundraiser and to Maggie & Dave Rynearson for the Harvest Festival & Fall Dance! Thank you also to Mami Sorajo & Elise Harris for Multicultural Night! Lastly, thank you also to Colleen Pearce for popcorn Fridays! Next PTA Meeting Tuesday, January 9th - 6pm