The prudent man looketh well to his going. Phishing and You The prudent man looketh well to his going.
Phishing defined Webster’s Dictionary: To request confidential information over the Internet under false pretenses in order to fraudulently obtain credit card numbers, passwords, or other personal data.
Perfect example This email was forwarded to ABUSE@UTC.EDU from a customer at UTC: -----Original Message----- From: webmaster [mailto: ] Sent: Tue 5/5/2009 3:44 PM Subject: Mailbox Shutdown Notification You are expected to verify your email account to avoid mailbox shutdown by furnishing us with the following To avoid shutting down of your mailbox which could lead to loss of your important files on our server,you must send these details on receipt of this message. Thank you very much. Webmaster detials: Login Username: Login password: **************
Not what you might think Links won’t always take you where you want to go
Spelling counts ≠
Keep your eye on the ball
Protect yourself Don’t trust links in email Never give out personal info in an email Check the web address Type the web addresses you know Don’t call the phone numbers in strange emails Never open unexpected email attachments
Additional resources Any additional questions or concerns: Contact the UTC ITD at 425-4000