PRESENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT“ The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" PRESENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT“ Assoc. prof. Hristo Krachunov, PhD, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VARNA
INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DATA The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DATA Association as charitable under the name "International Association" Sustainable Development “ /IASD/ A legal non-profit entity, in which may be members Bulgarian and foreign legal and legally capable physical persons wishing to achieve its objectives. In the Association may be members and government institution and legal entities that are under the private law which not perform business activities, but they can assist in achieving its objectives and perform its tasks. In the Association can be members like collective members municipal, provincial, regional, branch, industry, professional and other organizations. In the Association can not be members political parties and movements. The existence of the Association is not limited in time. In its activities the Association is governed by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Bulgaria and its Statute.
The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" "International Association" Sustainable Development “ /IASD/ is a legal entity established in the city of Varna and headquarters address: 13 Vasil Drumev , floor 9, flat 107. Association shall conduct its activities under the name: “A NON- PROFIT ORGANIZATION FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT”
The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" SET TARGETS The main objectives of the Association are: Assistance in promoting the objectives and principles of Sustainable Development on international, national and regional level, creating ecological and environmental awareness and training of large groups of people and their involvement in voluntary activities for environmental protection and regional development. Study, preservation and restoration of the environment on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and participation in program implementation on national and international level. Promoting the sustainable development of sectors and industries, cross-border and industrial zones, urban, non-urban and protected areas. Supporting universities, industrial enterprises, cooperatives and other organizations and associations in the preparation of projects for sustainable development. The Association to be a public mediator and training center for professionals in applied business experience in sustainable development, engineering ecology, organic agriculture and biotechnology.
To achieve its goals, the Association: The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" To achieve its goals, the Association: Alone or in cooperation with other organizations examine the environment in the region, develops analyzes and , projects for recovery the impaired ecological balance. Enters and maintains innovative systems, forms and methods of training, retraining and raising the qualifications of its members and experts in sustainable development, ecology and environmental protection. Assist in the development, financing and development of fundamental and applied scientific research promising projects in the , field of sustainable development and take part in the work of consultative councils at international, state, regional authorities. Develop and propose for approval regulations related to fundamental aspects of its activities. Enter into contractual relations with the scientific, social and business organizations in the country and abroad for development and implementation of projects related to its principal activity. Providing independent expert assessments and participate in the discussion of various issues relating to sustainable regional development and effective use of nature. Conduct scientific-applied conferences, workshops and meetings with environmental and agricultural trend. Through the media, organizing press conferences, gathering signatures and other forms creates strong public opinion on all issues of sustainable development and environmental conservation. Organize and maintain laboratories assisting the realization of the main objectives and scope of activities. Develops and implements in the education system curricula and projects aimed at the formation of motivation and knowledge about sustainable development.
The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" The Association is a voluntary organization for implementation of socially useful activity for development of ecology, environmental protection, development and promotion of the values of civil society, education, science, engineering and technologies. The Association operates in the public interest, it will spend its property, according to the activities referred to in art. 38, para. 1, NPLEA, as under the provisions of art. 7, item 4 of its Statute. The Non-Profit association , for implementation of socially useful activity can not be converted into a legal non-profit entity to perform activity with private benefit.
The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" ACTIVITIES For realization of its objectives, the Association performs the following activities: 1. Conduct surveys and laboratory analyzes, expert assessments, consultations and training. 2. Render skilled assistance in the preparation of documents necessary for business transactions, customs, licensing, registration and other modes. 3. Supports the exchange of information, including via Internet access, on-line systems and digital certificates. 4. By decision of the Governing Council may conduct additional economic activity related to the main activity: publishing, producer, impresario, advertising, business, design, scientific-methodological, scientific-research, sociological surveys, excursions and congress, cultural-historical and ecological tourism, manufacturing and processing of organic products, brokering, conservation and restoration activities, waste management, purification of drinking water and wastewater and other not prohibited by the law activities related to the main activity, it does not distribute profits and funds from the activity allocates for implementation of sustainable regional development and programs and projects for environmental protection and for minimizing of the use of natural resources.
3.1 ADOPTION /1/ Membership in the Association is voluntary. The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" 3.1 ADOPTION /1/ Membership in the Association is voluntary. /2/ Applicants for new members submit to the Governing Council a written application, in which stating that they are aware of and accept the provisions of this Statute and they are agree with the objectives of the Association. At the application Governing Board shall make a decision at the first meeting after receiving it. /3/ At the application applicants - legal entities implement and copies of their registration documents and the decision of their board for membership in the Association, and a decision laying down the person who will represent them in the General Assembly of the Association. /4/ The decision of the Governing Council shall be notified in writing to the applicants.
3.2. RIGHTS OF THE MEMBERS to participate in its government; The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" 3.2. RIGHTS OF THE MEMBERS Members of the Association are entitled to: to participate in its government; to raise issues of their work for consideration and collaboration; to benefit from property of the Association, as far as the exercise of activities and functions of its governing bodies or those assigned by decision of such authority; to benefit from the results of the activities of the Association under the provisions of this Statute; to seek its assistance in the protection of their interests; to be informed about the activity of the Association.
The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" 3.3. DUTIES OF THE MEMBERS /1/ The members of the Association are required: 1. to comply with the statutes and implement the decisions of its governing bodies; 2. to contribute to the achievement of its aim and the realization of its tasks; 3. to pay within the period provided in this Statute material contributions; 4. to provide information necessary to achieve its aim and the realization of its tasks; 5. to raise the prestige of the Association, to contribute for increase its property and not commit acts, which are contrary to its objectives and compromise it; 6. to keep confidentiality. /2/ The rights and obligations of the members, except for the property, are not transferable and can not be transferred to other persons on death or termination. /3/ The obligations of the Association's members are responsible only to the extent provided in this Statute property payments and creditors are not allowed to bring rights to personal property of members over this amount.
Mandatory Program for the activity of the The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" Mandatory Program for the activity of the International Association on Sustainable Development (IASD) for the period 2012 - 2017 Priority directions: - Development and implementation of sustainable development projects independently and in cooperation with other similar organizations and universities; - Development and implementation of educational programs for civil society; - International conference activity; - Publishing and advertising activity; - Cultural and scientific exchanges and ecotourism; - Activities with youth and student organizations and associations on national and international level.
Financial-economical objectives, criteria and indicators The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" Financial-economical objectives, criteria and indicators To provide long-term financing of the tasks and activities set out in the statutes of IASD and in this Mandate program; To provide the necessary administrative capacity for effective management of IASD; To provide preconditions for expanding and improving the quantity and quality of membership of IASD; To expand contacts and cooperation with the authorities of sustainable development at the municipal, provincial, national and international level; Provide positive financial and economic indicators and performance criteria.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ACTIVITY The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ACTIVITY Organizing and conducting INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE (ISPC). Organizing and conducting ISPC "Sustainable Development - Summer" - 10 ÷ 20 June each year. Organizing and conducting ISPC "Sustainable Development - Winter" - 01 ÷ 30 March each year. Co-organizer of International scientific-practical conferences. Participation with reports (papers), articles and presentations at International scientific-practical conferences.
Educational Programs and Plans The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" Theoretical and applied foundations of sustainable development; Economics of sustainable development, environmentally use of natural resources; Cultural and historical aspects of sustainable development of civil society; Management of sustainable development and of the use of natural resources; Conceptual foundations and global problems of sustainable development; Ecologisation and sustainable development of economic branches; Geographical-historical and economic aspects of sustainable development of the regions; Sustainable development of industrial zones and production systems; Environmental security and sustainable development of urban areas; Sustainable development of rural areas, manufacturing industry and food industry; Sustainable development of transport activities, coastal areas and port complexes; Sustainable development and management of water resources; Transboundary and regional problems of sustainable development; Legal and regulatory framework of sustainable development; Educational aspects and requirements for training of civil society and the younger generation for sustainable development; Problems and solutions for sustainable development of energy; Problems and solutions for sustainable development of chemical and metallurgical technologies; Problems and solutions for sustainable development of road and public transport; Certification, standardization and audit of the sustainable development of the regions. Educational Programs and Plans
ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATON ACTIVITY The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATON ACTIVITY Registration and maintenance of a website of IASD; Issue of international journal "Sustainable Development“ ISSN 1314-4138; Advertising on the covers of the journal and in the website of IASD.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! The project is implemented with financial support of "Support Programme for NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2009 - 2014" provided by the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION" THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For more information and admission of new members you may contact the following address: 9003, Varna, district Asparuhovo, locality Malka Chayka, Business Incubator - Varna, room 209 GSM: +359899902978 E-mail : ,