Results 4Q04 and FY04 Martin De Prycker CEO February 17, 2005
Operational results 4Q 2004 and full year 2004 in € mio 4Q 2003 2003 4Q 2004 2004 Growth 4Q 04 / 4Q 03 Growth 04 / 03 Orders nominal 188.5 662.6 161.8 653.2 (14%) (1%) Orders at constant currencies * 168.7 682.9 (11%) 3% Sales nominal 174.7 628.9 193.0 671.9 11% 7% Sales at constant currencies * 200.9 702.1 15% 12% EBITA 26.2 69.1 24.3 71.8 (5%) 5% EBITA at constant currencies * 26.9 76.2 EBITA % 15.0 11.0 12.6 10.7 Book-to-bill 1.08 1.05 0.84 0.97 * $/€ 9 % lower in 4Q * $/€ 10 % lower in full year
Results per quarter in € million
Results 4Q 2004
Overall comments 4Q 2004 Weaker order intake than 2003, as 4Q03 had a number of large orders. Some important orders shifted to 2005 Sales were very good, with 11 % growth versus 4Q03, and in all divisions there was growth Gross profit margin under pressure at 43 % (better than 3Q, but lower than 4Q03 at 45.0 %) as sudden decline in $ has several impacts Direct impact on sales at lower margin Re-evaluation of inventory at lower $ Competitive prices in € zone due to $-based competition Dollar decline caused a lower EBITA of more than € 2 mio in 4Q, versus an unchanged dollar. Natural hedging in 4Q reduced to 72 % due to higher $ sales Positive evolution of inventory with close to 10 % reduction versus 3Q04
Evolution of results per division 4Q03 4Q04 in € million Sales % EBITA View 59.1 18.9 67.8 23.0 Media & Entertainment 38.5 9.3 41.9 -7.1 Presentation & Simulation 27.5 18.8 29.1 13.2 Control Rooms 28.0 21.7 34.3 14.5 Vision 13.6 7.6 16.3 18.2 Manufacturing Services 13.5 -2.8 27.3 -0.1 Eliminations -5.7 - -23.7 Total 174.7 15.0 193.0 12.6
BarcoView (1) in € million
BarcoView (2) Orders Sales Margins Lower book-to-bill ratio at 0.74 Weaker in Defense & Security, 33 % lower than last year Orders in Medical 8 % higher than last year, despite $ decline Weaker orders in Traffic Management than last year (20 % lower) Sales Strong sales volume in Medical confirms market leadership, growing at 38 %, despite $ decline. Growth largely organic but first contribution of Voxar for 1.9 € million Defense sales weaker than 2003 Traffic Management sales 75 % higher than 4Q03, thanks to better supply Margins Very good gross profit margin at 51.1 %, thanks to effective purchasing in $ countries and higher software content High demand in medical puts pressure on our suppliers to deliver enough quantities Very good profit margin at 23.0 % vs 18.9 % in 4Q03
Barco Media & Entertainment (1) in € million
Barco Media & Entertainment (2) Overall improvements versus last year driven by organic growth and acquisition in the USA (Folsom) Orders Book-to-bill ratio at 1.03 Good orders in Media, especially Europe, but 17 % weaker than 4Q03 11 % higher orders in Events Order level of Digital Cinema higher than 2003 Home Theater no longer included Sales Media sales mainly strong in US, but total sales weaker than 4Q03 Good Events sales with 23 % increase vs 4Q03; organic growth worldwide and growing Folsom sales in Europe and Asia Strong sales in Digital Cinema illustrate a further penetration in cinema theaters Margins Very low gross profit margin at 27.5 %, due to Large inventory and strong $ decline impact margin and inventory valuation Provisions for bad debt customers had a negative impact on profitability Strong price pressure in Media in US and Asia Very low profit margin at –7.1 %
Barco Presentation & Simulation (1) in € million
Barco Presentation & Simulation (2) Orders Orders in Presentation 22 % weaker vs 4Q03 Orders 12 % lower in Simulation vs 4Q03 Book-to-bill for the division at 0.96 Sales Presentation With 4 % sales slightly lower than 4Q03 Simulation Strong sales in Simulation, growing 14 %, especially in the virtual reality segment worldwide Margins Good profit margin at 13.2 % Lower gross profit margin due to lower $ and price pressure in presentation market First shipments of HD projector started in Feb 05 At 46.5 % lower gross profit margin than 4Q03 due to lower $ and price pressure in presentation, but better than 3Q04
Barco Control Rooms (1) in € million
Barco Control Rooms (2) Orders Sales Margins Order input weaker than last year, some orders shifting to 2005, resulting in a very successful order month in January Book-to-bill at 0.76 Sales High growth worldwide of 23 % Good worldwide sales in all segments, particularly strong in Traffic & Surveillance, but also growing interest in process control Margins Gross profit margin under pressure, especially in US, but also in € zone, at 42.7 %, higher than 3Q04 thanks to the volume effect, but much lower than 51.6 % in 4Q03 Good profit margin at 14.5 %
BarcoVision (1) in € million * Excludes Machine Vision, divested in July 2003
BarcoVision (2) Sales & Orders Margins Good sales in systems in textile and plastics, 19.4 % higher than 4Q03 Orders remain at a low level, because of delays in investments, still 11 % higher than 4Q03 Margins Gross profit margin improved to 47.8 %, thanks to favorable product mix and higher sales volume EBITA margin at a healthy 18.2 %, thanks to higher volume
Barco Manufacturing Services (1) in € million
Barco Manufacturing Services (2) Sales & Orders Sales higher, driven by internal reorganization, but lower orders, especially in December Margins EBITA margin almost at break-even (-0.1 %) Consolidation of automatic and manual soldering in 2 factories in Belgium and the Czech Republic now finalized
Geographical breakdown of sales 34,2% 16,0% 49,8% EMEA AMERICAS ASIAPAC. 4Q03 4Q04
Key figures Income Statement 4Q04
Results Full Year 2004
Operational results full year 2004 in € mio 2003 2004 Growth 04 / 03 Orders nominal 662.6 653.2 (1%) Orders at constant currencies ** 682.9 3% Sales nominal 628.9 671.9 7% Sales at constant currencies ** 702.1 12% EBITA 69.1* 71.8 5% EBITA at constant currencies ** 69.1 76.4 11% EBITA % 11.0 10.7 Book-to-bill 1.05 0.97 * Before restructuring of € 2.5 mio ** $/€ 10 % lower in full year
Comments full year 2004 Further focus our organization on image processing for B2B with worldwide leadership Exit of Home Theater Acquisition of Folsom for Events Acquisition of Voxar in Medical Acquisition of System Technologies in Events in January 2005 Order growth of 3 % at constant currencies Sales growth of 12 % at constant currencies Dollar decline had a negative impact on EBITA of more than € 4 million vs 2003
Key figures Income Statement 2004 in € mio FY 03 % FY 04 Sales Cost of goods sold 628.9 -351.0 100.0 -55.8 671.9 -381.8 100 -56.8 Gross Profit Research & Development Sales & Marketing General & Administration Other operating result 277.9 -68.4 -100.3 -45.6 5.4 44.2 -10.9 -15.9 -7.2 0.9 290.1 -66.8 -109.7 -48.1 6.2 43.2 -9.9 -16.3 EBITA Goodwill & restructuring 69.1 -8.9 11.0 -1.4 71.8 -10.0 10.7 -1.5 Operating Result 60.2 9.6 61.8 9.2 Non-operating result -6.9 -1.1 0.6 0.1 Income Taxes -6.7 -14.7 -2.2 Net Income 46.6 7.4 47.7 7.1 Current Cash Flow 109.8 17.5 116.1 17.3 Current Earnings per Share (in €) 4.42 - 4.69 Net Earnings per Share (in €) 3.77 3.89
Key figures Balance Sheet in € mio 31/12/03 30/06/04 31/12/04 Accounts Receivable 149.5 154.7 166.2 Inventory 103.3 143.1 144.0 Cash 133.4 124.2 90.6 Financial debt 29.2 56.5 58.0
Geographical breakdown of sales 2003 2004 Growth 04/03 in local currency EMEA + 3% AMERICAS + 14% ASIAPAC. + 32%
Expectations 2005
Strategy 2005 Increase profitability through higher efficiency in all business units by strong focus on quality improvements and processes Main segments where large absolute growth is expected in 2005 through internal growth Medical Surveillance & Security Media Further growth in US and Asia expected as a result of stronger sales forces set up in 2004 and stronger economic growth in these regions Increase manufacturing in and supply from China
Expectations 1Q 2005 Sales target: between € 150 – 160 million, i.e. more than 6 % year on year growth at constant currencies Orders growing 10 % versus 1Q04 to around € 170 million EBITA of between € 5 and 10 million In order to restore profitability to the level of 2004, several actions will result in Defending gross profit margin by further cost-down actions of our products Reducing operational cost by more efficient use of worldwide resources and by reducing working cost
Dividend Proposal of the Board of Directors to the annual shareholders’ meeting on May 4, 2005 Dividend will be increased to € 2.10 from € 2.00 last year
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