WHAT IS THE PROCESS? Proposals due to OAA by March 15 or October 15. Must have Dean’s signature before submission – speak to your Dean’s office about their deadline. Proposals are forwarded to the Faculty Grants and Leaves Committee for review and rating FGL Committee meets to discuss and determine final ranking (open meeting) FGL Committee sends recommendations to the Provost Provost approves or disapproves awards Award/denial letters are sent out around Nov 15 or April 15
Development Grant Proposals Follow the Outline and Rating Sheet and make sure to address each category and criterion – no more than 5 pages in length. Proposals should be written so colleagues from a variety of disciplines can understand. Include a CV for each faculty member. Budget should detail and explain expenses. Personal services must include benefit costs. Travel expense limited to transportation only. Include supplementary material if helpful.
Research Travel Grants Travel Grants can only be used to pay for transportation expenses (airfare, ground transportation). Category 1: for the presentation of research - these are not voted by committee Category 2: for the acquisition or processing of research data, etc. – voted by committee Complete the application form, attach any supplemental documents needed. Maximum that can be funded is $750 per faculty member.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Full-time regular or term faculty who are on contract during the period of the grant No administrators, staff or adjunct faculty are eligible at this time
HOW MUCH MONEY IS AVAILABLE? In FY18, there was $50,000 for both Development and Travel grants, divided between two rounds
WHAT ARE THE DEADLINES? Round I – March 15 Grants for July 1 to December 31 Round II – October 15 Grants for January 1 to June 30 (If a deadline falls on a weekend, it rolls to 5pm on Monday.)
WHEN IS THE MONEY AVAILABLE? Day 1 of your grant period Must be encumbered by June 15/December 15 and spent by June 30/ December 31 No carry-over funding
HOW DO I ACCESS THE MONEY? Expenses will be approved for expenditures listed in your proposal budget by OAA Personal Services require a job form approved by OAA Travel Authorizations in TEM must be signed by OAA prior to travel, and Travel Expense Reports in TEM signed after - for transportation expenses ONLY All Contractual and Commodities must be approved by OAA prior to purchase – can be purchased by Procard, purchase order, reimbursement, etc. with prior approval Work with your department administrator to process appropriate paperwork
Misc. Rules Can receive more than one Development Grant in a fiscal year, but cannot exceed the $3,000 limit Can only receive 1 travel grant from each category per fiscal year May apply for funding from both research travel and faculty development, but can be funded for the same purpose from only one funding source.
For Forms and More Information: FACULTY SERVICES WEBPAGE http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/facultyservices/ developmenttravel-grants.cfm
QUESTIONS CONTACT: Marian Bruce– Faculty Services Director mkbruce@alaska.edu FGL Committee Co-Chairs for AY17-18 Stasia Straley – x4137, scstraley@alaska.edu Rebeca Maseda Garcia – x4034, rmasedagarcia@alaska.edu