Marshall Lee, ADP Theodore Stapp, BCD Travel “It’s Like Riding a Bike:” An Exploration of Workforce Management Training for Agents Marshall Lee, ADP Theodore Stapp, BCD Travel
Marshall Lee Biography Service Center Manager II Workforce Operations ADP 15 Years Management Experience 10+ Years Contact Center Experience Charitable Resource Foundation Charter Communications SHPS Human Resource Solutions Carewise Health ADP Contact Center Experience Training/Management/WFM
Theodore Stapp Biography Workforce Analyst Short Term Forecasting BCD Travel 10 Years Contact Center Experience Charter Communications SHPS Human Resource Solutions BCD Travel Contact Center Experience Call Center Lead / Nesting / Reporting / Workforce Management
Objectives Understand why agents need training from workforce management on system, theory, and process. Understand the basics of analysis level learning. Understand how to formulate and implement a WFM agent training program Experience a sample training.
Why are you here?
Are WFM Staff trainers? When do you find yourself needing to train? What are you training when you do train? Do you have any challenges? Do you know how adults learn?
Blooms Taxonomy of Learning
The Why Factor Children may absorb knowledge faster than adults, but adults can understand and apply knowledge faster than children. What gets in the way of adult learning is the application barrier, needing to know how this knowledge applies before being ready to learn it. Removing the why up-front helps the adult to learn.
Ask them what they need to know! (and tell them) Formative evaluations: Do a survey about what people think you do and why you do it. What behaviors do you see? With new agents what are the WFM related pain points?
Form a plan to your audience … What is the context? New Agent Training New hire class At home Ongoing Agent Training Refresher New System New Process Manager Training System and process Why do they need you? WFM Road Show
Overview For Agent Training Workforce & Generic System Demo Overview For Agent Training “Contact Center 101”
Objectives Understand what Workforce Management is in a contact center. Have a general knowledge of GENERIC WFM SYSTEM Understand the key points of workforce optimization. Know how to use the GENERIC WFM System
What are GENERIC WFO SYSTEM and Workforce Management? Workforce is the team which assures service levels and availability through appropriate staffing and scheduling Workforce Optimization Software Allows more effective scheduling of agents Method for quality communication between agents and their supervisors
The Bicycle
The Wheel
What is workforce optimization? Getting it right (Demand Scheduling): Right person Right place Right time Right skills Best scheduling of meetings/trainings/etc. to have the least impact on service levels. React to unplanned absences. Plan time off so as not to hurt service.
Optimal Schedule and Staffing Model How does it work? Forecast – How many contacts and when? When is our best time to reach clients? Skill –skill will this be for? Efficiency – What is the mean agent proficiency. Quality – Can we get consistent quality? Pooling – Skill mapping. Optimal Schedule and Staffing Model
Multiplier to define efficiency for optimal scheduling, Proficiency Multiplier to define efficiency for optimal scheduling, If 10 Min is Median then 10=1.0 Then 13 min = 1.3 As 7 Min = 0.7
Here’s what happens when you add or remove one … Does one person matter ? What is an Erlang? Here’s what happens when you add or remove one … (346 calls per half hour, 240 second average handle time or 46 Erlangs) AGENTS ASA 54 6 sec 53 8 sec 52 12 sec 51 19 sec 50 30 sec 49 50 sec 48 91 sec 47 236 sec
Adherence and Exceptions Anytime out of scheduled activity is an exception. Exceptions help us gauge more than just where someone is and what they are doing. Exceptions will reduce an over all adherence score in some instances. You control and are responsible for communication around exceptions.
Scorecards Key performance indicators: Adherence is a measure of the percentage of scheduled time spent performing scheduled activities. Average handle time - includes talk time, hold time, and time in after-call work. Hold time Wrap time (After Call Work) Quality
Scorecard Sample
Schedule Process Tuesday Next 2 weeks run and published Wednesday agents review schedules for any issues Thursday / Friday managers meet with WFM team to review stats and updates. Daily updates made as needed
Recap Workforce GENERIC SYSTEM Your Role Questions ?
A Workforce Presentation The End A Workforce Presentation
You will Adhere to your Schedule...
Where does it make sense to start … where do you want to go? Let’s talk about you? Where does it make sense to start … where do you want to go?
Planning … Lesson Planning Form Name of Course: ________________________________________________________ Content Scope: __________________________________________________________ Objectives: Knowledge Level Information: Understanding Level Info: Application Level Learning :
Lesson Plan: Introduction: Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Conclusion Activities Supplies Needed
Questions? Marshall Lee ADP E-mail: Theodore Stapp BCD Travel E-mail: