AU Intramural Grants Program (AU-IGP) 2017-2018
Intramural Grants Program Auburn University Intramural Grants Program Four levels of competition: Seed Grant – up to $4,000 from OVPRED Innovative Research Grant – up to $40,000 from OVPRED Good to Great Grant – up to $40,000 from OVPRED New this year: The Cyber Research Grant (Cyber) is offered with additional funding in conjunction with the IGP. The Cyber will provide funding for up to two research projects (maximum funding of $50,000, each with a 1:1 match). All are two years in duration and require a 1:1 match
Intramural Grants Program Auburn University Intramural Grants Program 2017-2018 The program underwent a thorough review this summer by a faculty work group consisting of two ADR’s, the chair of the FRC, and two additional faculty members Deadline for submission is November 10, 2017. Proposals are evaluated using the electronic InfoReady system in AU Competition Space. Reviews will be conducted by a review panel in February. Reviewer Distribution (includes members from the Competitive Research Grant Committee (CRGC) of the University Senate) Funding decisions made early March Intramural Grants
Intramural Grants Program Auburn University Intramural Grants Program In the 2016-2017 IGP cycle, 57 of 86 applications (66%) were funded. A total of just over $1.6M was awarded ($808,060 – OVPR&ED + $808,060 minimum required matching funds). This brings total awards to more than $14.2M in the first 7 years of the program.
Intramural Grants Program Auburn University Intramural Grants Program NEW THIS YEAR! We will be utilizing electronic approvals as a part of this year’s application. You will enter your Department Head’s email (one email address) in Approval Routing 1 and the Associate Dean for Research's email address (one email address) in Approval Routing 2. Please keep in mind these electronic approvals when submitting your proposal, as any proposals received AFTER the application deadline that are not approved by these electronic approvals, will NOT be considered for review.
Information? Intramural Grants Bob Holm (programmatic assistance), x5877 Jonathan Cullum (financial/administrative assistance), x8864 Rachel Simpson (proposal development), x7910 Marc Haon (proposal submission (InfoReady)), x5929
Click this link to watch "AU Cyber Research Funding": 23-3b65-4f49-b466-a65c916fefbb Click this link to watch "Good to Great Funding": 3-3561-481e-a739-f83992be249f Click this link to watch "Innovative Research Funding": f9-9740-4ce3-b3b5-b6f3401e78dd Click this link to watch "Seed Funding": bd-9731-40ce-bca5-813a9b3001c4