Problem: My bike has a flat tire. SCAMPER Problem: My bike has a flat tire.
Substitute Combine Add / adapt Modify / maximize / minimize Put to other use Eliminate Rearrange or reverse
Substitute What other rules? What other places? What other technologies? What other materials? What other shapes? What other elements / parts / components? What other colors? What other names? What other sounds or smells?
Combine What parts / components can be combined? What materials can be combined? What technologies can be combined? What can be combined with other objects?
Adapt What can be added in order to create more value? What ideas outside my field can I use / add? What can I copy / borrow from other products / services? Whom can I emulate? What processes can be adapted? What different contexts can I put my concept in?
Modify What can be made larger or smaller, higher or lower, stronger or weaker, heavier or lighter. What can be exaggerated or minimized? What can be duplicated / repeated? What can be increased or decreased in frequency? Which extra features can be added or decreased? What color, form, or shape can be added or decreased? What motion, sound, or smell can be added or decreased?
Put to other use Purpose What else can the product / service be used for? Who else can the product / service be used by? How would a child use it? An elderly person? How would people with diabilities use it? What new ways are there to use it in its current form? What other possible uses are there if it’s modified? Can I use it in other industries? Can I use it in other markets / places?
Eliminate What is nonessential or unnecessary? What would happen if it was taken away? How can the rules / standards be eliminated? How can it be made more simple? What parts can be removed without changing its function? What features could be eliminated? In which different parts could it be split?
Rearrange Can it be turned up side down or twisted? What might be rearranged? Could roles be reversed? Should the last step in a process be the first step?