Feature Engineering Studio Special Session February 25, 2015
RapidMiner 5.3 Data file and rapidminer xml file are on course webpage
Look at data
Look at process step-by-step
Build classifier
Goodness Criteria Kappa AUC (Warning!) Accuracy (Warning!) Precision Recall
Turn cross-validation off
Other types of cross-validation Student-level cross-validation Population-level cross-validation Content-level cross-validation When you use these….
Setting up other types of cross-validation BatchXValidation SetRole
Other Classification Algorithms W-J48 W-JRip W-KStar
Set up a Regression
Regression Algorithms Linear Regression W-RepTree W-M5P Neural Networks Support Vector Machines
Goodness Criteria Correlation (warning!) RMSE/MAD
Many other things RapidMiner can do… These are just two types of common prediction models
For a broader overview of prediction modeling… Come to April 1 special session
Questions? Concerns?