Packaging After compounding packaging of prescription should be done. For packaging following containers are used Round vials Oval bottles Wide mouth bottles Colored bottles Collapsible tubes Paper wrappers Dropper bottles
Labeling The filled container should be suitably labeled. The label should be affixed on smooth surface of bottle
Label information's Type of prescription Name, age & sex of patient Date of dispensing Storage condition Name & address of pharmacy In case of liquid preparation attach auxiliary label Route of administration
Labelling of dispensed medicines Purpose of labels: Maximising the benefits of the therapy Improving the patient’s understanding of the treatment Enhancing compliance Minimising adverse effects. 11/17/2018
Labelling of dispensed medicines Guidelines in labelling: The placement of the dispensing label on the product largely determined by the design of the medicine package and the manufacturer’s label. The dispensing label is to be firmly attached to the immediate container (including each component of multiple-therapy packs) unless the immediate container is so small or is so constructed that the label would compromise the patient’s ability to use the medicine (e.g. metered aerosols and some eye drops). In such instances, the label should be attached to the primary pack or alternatively, purpose-designed labelling tags or ‘winged’ labels may be used. 11/17/2018
Labelling of dispensed medicines The label should be clearly and legibly printed in unambiguous and understandable language. The special needs of patients with disabilities, such those with poor eyesight, should be accommodated and the patient adequately informed. The label should be placed to leave visible any of the manufacturer’s statements that may be important to the patient, including the expiry date, storage conditions and where possible, the name and strength of the drug. 11/17/2018
What should be found in labels? The brand and generic names of the medicine, the strength, the dose form and the quantity supplied; for extemporaneously prepared medicines and medicines not dispensed by count, the name and strength of each active ingredient, and the name and strength of any added preservatives or the name of the formula as described in a standard reference book Specific directions for use, including frequency and dose The patient’s name or, in the case of an animal, the owner’s name and the kind of animal The date of dispensing or supply 11/17/2018
Personalized illustrated daily medication schedule.
The dispenser’s (and if different, the checking pharmacist’s) initials Or A unique identifying code The name, address and telephone number of the pharmacy or pharmacy department at which the prescription was dispensed Storage directions (where important) and expiry date (where applicable) The words ‘Keep out of reach of children’. 11/17/2018
Rechecking Each prescription should be rechecked After labeling container should be thoroughly polished to remove finger prints Recording A variety of prescription files are available which serve to maintain and preserve original prescription in numerical order
Pricing of Prescription : The prescription should be priced immediately after receiving it & informed the patient about it. This should be done before starting the assembly of medicines or compounding to avoid any dispute.
Delivering the prescription Three types Store Delivery Home Delivery Mail Delivery
The most common problem!
Dispensing medicines as a core competency 11/17/2018
Dispensing is a core competency of a pharmacist Is an important part of pharmacy, in which the pharmacist or the pharmacy aide (under the direct supervision of the pharmacist) interprets the prescriber’s requirements on the prescription and accordingly supplies medicines to the patient or his/her representative. A pharmacist must take reasonable steps to ensure that the dispensing of a medicine in accordance with a prescription or order is consistent with the safety of the person named in that prescription or order. In dispensing a prescription, a pharmacist has to exercise an independent judgment to ensure the medicine is safe and appropriate for the patient, as well as that it conforms to the prescriber’s requirements. If there is any doubt, the prescriber is to be contacted. 11/17/2018
What is “competency”? Competence is a generic term referring to a person’s overall capacity Competencies are made up of the attributes of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Competency Standards ‘define the competencies required for effective performance in employment’. ‘A competency comprises the specification of knowledge and skill and the application of that knowledge and skill within an occupation or industry level, to the standard of performance required in employment’
Workplace Competency Competence within professions is characterised by a body of knowledge, skills and values. Demonstration and interpretation of these attributes depends on multiple circumstances including the disposition of the individual practitioner, the individual client, the professional role, the professional task & environmental settings & policies. Competence is a relative term dependent on context.
What the pharmacist should know (Group 1) What Competencies are required for Good Dispensing Practices- Group Discussion What the pharmacist should know (Group 1) What skills a pharmacist should have (Group 2) What a pharmacist’s attitude should be (Group 3)
What Competencies are required for Good Dispensing Practices- Summary of Discussions What the pharmacist should know Pharmacotherapy Drugs-XYZ interactions How to interpret and fill a prescription What skills a pharmacist should have: Counselling Use of relevant software What a pharmacist’s attitude should be The welfare of the patient is of utmost importance This is the most important task in pharmacy This is my calling, my contribution to society