The Roaring Twenties
Is there a link between the prosperity of the 1920s and the hardships of the 1930s?
The Roaring Twenties: Social Changes
How do the events of the 1920s show a conflict between conservative and liberal forces in the United States? Essential Question
Three Causes of Social Change 1) Industrialization 2) Immigration 3) Urbanization ->Leads to conflict between traditional American conservativism and modern scientific liberalism. Conservativism: reliance on traditions, and opposed to radical change or innovation Liberalism: reliance on rational thought/scientific methods to innovate/change society for the better. Three Causes of Social Change
Role of Women During WWI many women worked in factories, Experience greater freedom Post WWI leave workforce 19th amendment: receive the right to vote Movement to cities by women leads to liberal (free) attitudes) Flapper: -Young women -Short skirts/short hair -Drank/smoked -Danced Role of Women
The Red Scare 1920s Post WWI American Xenophobia: ->Fear/disklike of people from other countries ->Red Scare: people fear communist take over of USA The Red Scare 1920s
The Red Scare 1920s Three Causes of Red Scare 1) Labor Unrest-Strikes -Increased competition from veterans - High inflation in economy -No more wartime benefits for workers 2) Russian Revolution -1917 Russia taken over by Bolshevik party -Becomes Communist 3) Anarchist Bomb Plots -1919 8 Anarchist bomb plots -Causes Americans to fear any radical ideology The Red Scare 1920s
Palmer Raids Authorized by Attorney General Mitchell Palmer Arrest over 4000 “Alleged communists” 400 deported Palmer Raids
KKK increases focus on immigrants, Catholics, and Jews in 1920s Use modern advertisement and organization methods to become a national organization Believe their role is to enforce morals Return of the KKK