Solar System Review Game!
The cloud of dust around the head of a comet is called the: coma
What would you NEED to have to travel in space? A spaceship, food, water, and oxygen.
A piece of rock caught by Earth’s gravity, but still in outer space, is a: Meteoroid
In astronomy, what does revolution cause? A planet’s year length
This planet is the only one thought to have water and life! Earth
This cold planet has a rusty surface, with liquid nitrogen rivers and CO2 polar ice caps! Mars
The melting ice that blows off a comet as it nears the sun is the: Tail
We use so much fuel for liftoff because we must overcome: Earth’s gravity
The dust around the outside of the solar system, past the 2nd asteroid belt, which is where comets are born is the: Oort Cloud
This planet is made of made of methane, hydrogen, and helium gases, and is swirling with storms! Neptune
This planet’s thick sulfuric acid clouds trap in heat to make it the hottest planet in the Solar System! Venus
Which planet is Earth? Earth
How do rockets lift off? Burning gases push against the ground, and the ground pushes back to lift it.
We think our Solar System was probably formed from a dust cloud called a: Nebula
This planet has boiling hot days and freezing cold nights, and is covered with craters and volcanoes! Mercury
Where is the Asteroid Belt? Between Mars and Jupiter
This planet could have become our second sun, and the red “eye” spot is really a giant hurricane! Jupiter
A piece of rock burning up in Earth’s atmosphere as a shooting star is a: meteor
This planet has wide rings of frozen chunks of rock! Saturn
In astronomy, what does a planet’s rotation cause? its day length
A piece of heavy space rock that falls to Earth and is on the ground is a: Meteorite
This planet is tipped almost completely on its side and has thin rings! Uranus
The very center of a comet’s head is called the: Nucleus
Where is the Kuiper belt located? Past Neptune, where Pluto is.